Better ways to lifelink

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 22, 2014, 2:08 a.m. by GoofyFoot

So, I Have a deck on my page Esper Conscriptions, and I've been trying to see if i can find something that would be better fitting for the deck than Nearheath Pilgrim . Him, Vault of the Archangel , and Azorius Charm are basically my only forms of life gain, which my deck doesn't need, but really wants, even if it's only for a little bit. Azorius Charm works once in a while, but it's really for early game spot removal and draw mechanics; if I ever need charm for lifelink, I'm probably in more trouble than I should be to worry about gaining life. Vault is fantastic to get out, but I do have to save Mana for it. I actually like Nearheath Pilgrim , he gives me a blocker, and usually attaches to one my crusaders, which are a pain to begin with anyways for opponents, and they are more likely to target him [if they can :) ] before the Pilgrim. Mainly I'm just looking for suggestions on anything that would be good replacement for him. I don't really want anything higher mana cost, especially creature-wise, i.e Vampire Nighthawk .

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