BG Zombie Sideboard Help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 29, 2012, 12:12 a.m. by Pixel

I have revised my sideboard just about every week now and figured I'd seek out some advice. The current high contenders at my shop are playing blue/white control, unburial rites, and selesnya aggro. I'm facing counters, board wipes, detainment, plainswalkers, and cards like Rest in Peace and Geist of Saint Traft . I'm also unsure if I should include flyers such as Vampire Nighthawk , flying token makers such as skirsdag highpriest or Bloodline Keeper  Flip , or rely on the speed and removal abilities of my deck for those situations.

I would also appreciate any recommendations for my mainboard.

Here is a link to my deck: deck:zombie-parade

Rayenous says... #2

Golgari Charm is perfect for mass weenie-token removal, mass destruction survival, plus an additional removal for things like Martial Law , Rest in Peace , or forcing an early use of card:Tormod's Crypt.

Mutilate kills Geist of Saint Traft , and a number of other difficult to remove creatures, and is perfect for token swarms.

In a Zombie deck, Cellar Door is a perfect response to Terminus . Gets you creatures and returns you Gravecrawler s, while your opponent is probably hoping to top-deck some creatures.

If flyers seem to be your downfall, Silklash Spider is a perfect sideboard card.

Feel free to look at my LOL trolling deck for sideboard ideas. I have mentioned why most of them are in there.

November 29, 2012 8:04 a.m.

Rayenous says... #3 nevermind Golgari Charm being good for card:Tormod's Crypt... as I typed that I was also thinking of Abrupt Decay 's 3CMC, but that's not this card at all.

November 29, 2012 8:06 a.m.

Pixel says... #4

I will most definitely be adding Cellar Door to my sideboard now. Thanks! Although I am sad to find that I can only find one in my collection, so hopefully the card shop I go to tomorrow will have extras. I've used Golgari Charm in the past, but found that Abrupt Decay worked better in my deck for removal. I'll probably be side decking more of those. I'll have to play test with Mutilate , as I could see it being great for wiping my opponent's creatures and working well with my Blood Artist s, but also completely wiping out my Lotleth Troll , Bloodthrone Vampire , or Deathrite Shaman . I've got a Silklash Spider lurking around somewhere too, so I'll play test that in my deck too.

November 29, 2012 2:15 p.m.

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