Big Guys in Modern

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 3, 2013, 12:28 p.m. by narutozach

Hey, i want people's thoughts and idea's on this deck i conjured up. Its called Modern hydra's , and the whole point of the deck is to use a couple of mana ramping creatures and spells so that i can play good hydra's on turn 3. (such as kalonian hydra (new in m14) and Primordial Hydra . The rest of my deck has a few larger creatures and i was contemplating putting some bigger guys and using the new garruk's ability and Dramatic Entrance to put them into play.

Please leave comments to help me with this deck!

also want to know what people think i should sideboard. ( remember, its a modern deck)

Here is the url:

could some one please link this for me? thanks. i usually would, but it isn't working for me.

If you were to use Dramatic Entrance to put hydra's in play, they will all die as X would be 0. Same with the new Garruk's ability.

July 3, 2013 12:37 p.m.

Also I think you might have renamed the deck, or the link is broken :(

July 3, 2013 12:39 p.m.

narutozach says... #4

ok. and the point of possiblly using Dramatic Entrance would be to replace some hydra's with big green creatures.

July 7, 2013 9:11 p.m.

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