Black Card Draw Modern

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 10, 2014, 9 a.m. by veritates1

Hello, I'm looking to improve my deck Erebos the Pack Rat in Standard. My biggest drawback (pardon the pun) is card draw. There are a few options in standard but I'm torn as to what really fits best. I'm torn on cards like Underworld Connections , Pain Seer , and Blood Scrivener . I'd like to keep it mono-black. Does anyone have any suggestions?

gufymike says... #2

You'll want Underworld Connections , simply put it is the best of the cards listed currently and provides 2 to your devotion and typically hard to get rid of. Replace Duress

Also some suggestions, a. up to at least 22 lands. 20 lands is bare minimum for a an aggro deck that curves out at 3 cmc, with the 5 cmc that is gary, up it.

Also your removal package is a bit sub-par for a deck like this. I don't know how much money you want to spend on it, so ggoing to not worry about that. Replace the Doom Blade with Hero's Downfall and remove 2 Devour Flesh for the 2 swamps and put in 2 Drown in Sorrow , removing one Bile Blight . You'll want that sweeper. It'll do a lot against g/r monsters with their mana dorks and tokens from xenagos and the BTE's not to mention white weenie and red aggro.

2 whips and 2 erebos are the optimal chocies. I would add in 2 Ultimate Price in that slot, remvoing 1 whip and 1 erebos, rounding out the strength of your removal package or adding the 3rd Drown in Sorrow and 1 more swamp.

February 10, 2014 9:12 a.m.

veritates1 says... #3

Oops, the title should be Black Card Draw STANDARD. I was too busy crafting that clever draw/drawback pun and missed my error.

Curse my own cleverness.

February 10, 2014 9:13 a.m.

veritates1 says... #4

@gufymike thanks! I missed Drown in Sorrow I think I pulled 2-3 from the release/prerelease even. Great feedback, I'll be implementing those. I appreciate the look and I think those suggestions should make this deck that much more fun. Hero's Downfall would be nice, I'll have to poke around and see what I can find.

February 10, 2014 9:24 a.m.

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