Black/blue zombie deck help please
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 20, 2012, 2:40 a.m. by Valehaun
Hello, this is my first time building my own deck and i was wondering if there were any suggestions on what i should add or cut from my decklist. Anyhelp would be greatly appreciated.Here is my list thus far
BRAINS!!!!!!!Blue/Black Zombie Deck
-2x Grave Titan. -1x Mikaeus the Unhallowed. -1x Grimgrin Corpse Born. -4x Gravecrawler. -4x Diregraf Captain. -3x Highborn Ghoul. -3x Diregraf Ghoul. -2x Havengul Lich. -2x Cemetary Reaper.
SPELLS-3x Go for the throat. -2x Gravepurge. -2x Zombie Apocalypse. -1x Lifes Finale. -2x Endless Ranks of the Dead. -1x Army of the Damned. -4x Cancel -2x Secrets of the Dead -2x Reap the Seagraf.
LANDS-4x Drowned Catacombs-5x Islands-12x Swamps
SIDEBOARD-2x Gravepurge. -3x Walking Corpse. -3x Doom Blade
Pretty good set of cards and mana curve. Maybe some Darkslick Shores to help with the early game? Personally I think Reap the Seagraf is overcosted, especially the flashback, and would replace it in favor of some control/counter cards like Vapor Snag or more zombie flavor like Rooftop Storm . If you want to lean more on the Zombie Apocalypse , you could add some Geralf's Mindcrusher and mill yourself to add zombies to your graveyard. Definitely want some Mana Leak or Negate to make sure the apocalypse resolves.
April 20, 2012 3:13 a.m.
Pretty good set of cards and mana curve. Maybe some Darkslick Shores to help with the early game? Personally I think Reap the Seagraf is overcosted, especially the flashback, and would replace it in favor of some control/counter cards like Vapor Snag or more zombie flavor like Rooftop Storm. If you want to lean more on the Zombie Apocalypse, you could add some Geralf's Mindcrusher and mill yourself to add zombies to your graveyard. Definitely want some Mana Leak or Negate to make sure the apocalypse resolves.
I was thinking about adding Darkslick Shores to the list but just havent had the money. I also had Geralf's Mindcrusher in there but took him out, but i hadnt thought about milling my own cards to fill my graveyard but thats a good idea. Thanks
Crudjr says... #2
Zombie apoc is really expensive and only gains full use of the mana (which includes tripple black if i remember) if the opponent has humans. Otherwise it would be more useful to just have more zombies with undying. This deck seems aliitle bit more focused on the black beat down and less on control. Seems like a good start though.
April 20, 2012 3:08 a.m.