black/green self sacrifice and morbid
Deck Help forum
Posted on Nov. 25, 2013, 1:15 p.m. by maximon
so i want to make a black green self sacrifice and morbid deck for modern. so far i have created a HUGE list of stuff to buy and id like some card advice to get. the premise of the deck is to sacrifice my own creatures to be able to proc morbid effects, however it has been a real pain in the ass to find "when (insert name) dies....." cards. so far i have a decently good list. Birthing pod x 4 (6.00 ea) tenacious dead (.25 ea)
Black carriage? (.50 ea) Trading Post (.50 ea)Bloodflow Connoisseur(.15 ea) Treasure find (.25 ea)Bone splinters (.15 ea) Trestle troll? (.15 ea)Carnage altar (.25 ea) Varolz, the scar striped (2. Ea)Desecration demon(10. ea) Vastwood hydra? (.75 ea)
Brindle boar(.15 ea) Vraska, the unseen (10. Ea)Tragic slip (.50 ea)Diabolic tutor (1.50 ea) serene rememberance? (.25 ea)Dying wish (.25 ea) demon lord of ashmouth (.50 ea)Festering newt? Strangler root geist (.50 ea)Garruk, caller of beasts (25. ea) treacherous pit dweller (.50 ea)Golgari guildgate (.50 ea) vorapede (2. Ea)Grave betrayal (.50 ea) young wolf (.25 ea)Jarads orders (.50 ea) undying evil (.15 ea)Korozda guildmage (.50 ea) sightless ghoul (.15 ea)Overgrown tomb(20. ea) butcher ghoul (.15 ea)Ring of 3 wishes (1.50 ea) Avatar of woe (4. Ea)Shadowborn demon (3. Ea) beacon of unrest? (4. Ea)Slum reaper? (.25 ea) Bitter ordeal (2. Ea)Bloodbond march (.50 ea) golgari guildmage? (.50 ea)Buried ruin (1. Ea) grim reminder (.50 ea)Call to the netherworld? (.25 ea) Hells caretaker (4. Ea)Corpse hauler (.15 ea) increasing ambition (.75 ea)Crypt of agadeem (1. Ea) Lhurgoyf (.50 ea)Deadbridge chant (1.50 ea) lichs mirror? (2. Ea)Death denied? (.25 ea) Lifes finale (1. Ea)Diabolic servitude? (1. Ea) Liliana vess (8. Ea)Disentomb (.25 ea) lord of extinction (12. Ea)Doomed necromancer (3.50 ea) midnight recovery? (.15 ea)Dread? (2. Ea) Moonlight bargain? (.50 ea)Dread return? (1.50 ea) Morbid plunder? (.15 ea)Eternal witness? (3.50 ea) Mortal combat!a (.50 ea)Footsteps of goryo (.50 ea) mortivore (1.50 ea)Genesis wave (1.50 ea) natures spiral (.25 ea)Geth, lord of the vault? (4. Ea) Necrotic ooze (.50 ea)Ghoultree (.50 ea) nether traitor (4. Ea)Gleancrawler? (.50 ea) praetors counsel (1.50 ea)Glissa, the traitor (2. Ea) scion of darkness? (2. Ea)Gnaw to the bone (.15 ea) Sheoldred, Whispering One? (6. Ea) Svogthos, the Restless Tomb(.50 ea)
Sword of light and shadow (25. Ea)Tempt with immortality (1. Ea)Vengeful pharaoh (.75 ea)Vengevine (15. Ea)Vigor (12. Ea)Vulturous Zombie (1. Ea)Death cloud (2 ea)Reaper from the abyss (2. ea)Caravan Vigil (.25 ea)Gravetiller Wurm (.25 ea)Skirsdag High Priest (.75 ea)Ulvenwald Bear (.15 ea)Morkrut Banshee (.25 ea)Liliana of the dark realms (6. Ea)
any suggestions on what to add, i dont exactly have a deck list atm, but its gonna be 60 cards and how to make it good?
check out my deck, you might like it since it does exactly what u want and it doesn't kill your wallet
November 25, 2013 7:42 p.m.
yea sorry I just signed up today, I didn't know u could link cards like that
November 25, 2013 9:20 p.m.
I was also considering making an EDH deck too,
these are the cards im considering in general for a deck (EDH or otherwise)
Black Carriage
, Trading Post
, Bloodflow Connoisseur
Treasure find Bone Splinters
Trestle Troll
Carnage Altar
Varolz, the Scar-Striped
Desecration Demon
Vastwood Hydra
Brindle Boar
Vraska the Unseen
Tragic Slip
Diabolic Tutor
Serene Remembrance
Dying Wish
Demonlord of Ashmouth
Festering Newt
Strangleroot Geist
Garruk, Caller of Beasts
Treacherous Pit-Dweller
Golgari Guildgate
Grave Betrayal
Young Wolf
Jarad's Orders
Undying Evil
Korozda Guildmage
Sightless Ghoul
Overgrown Tomb
Butcher Ghoul
Ring of Three Wishes
Avatar of Woe
Shadowborn Demon
Beacon of Unrest
Slum Reaper
Bitter Ordeal
Bloodbond March
Golgari Guildmage
Buried Ruin
Grim Reminder
Call to the Netherworld
Hell's Caretaker
Corpse Hauler
Increasing Ambition
Crypt of Agadeem
Deadbridge Chant
Lich's Mirror
Death Denied
Life's Finale
Diabolic Servitude
Liliana Vess
Lord of Extinction
Doomed Necromancer
Midnight Recovery
Moonlight Bargain
Dread Return
Morbid Plunder
Eternal Witness
Mortal Combat
Footsteps of the Goryo
Genesis Wave
Nature's Spiral
Geth, Lord of the Vault
Necrotic Ooze
Nether Traitor
Praetor's Counsel
Glissa, the Traitor
Scion of Darkness
Gnaw to the Bone
Sheoldred, Whispering One
Svogthos, the Restless Tomb
Birthing Pod
Sword of Light and Shadow
Tempt with Immortality
Vengeful Pharaoh
Vulturous Zombie
Death Cloud
Reaper from the Abyss
Caravan Vigil
Gravetiller Wurm
Skirsdag High Priest
Ulvenwald Bear
Morkrut Banshee
Liliana of the Dark Realms
November 25, 2013 9:53 p.m.
@ goodair, yea your deck looks pretty good, but can regeneration regenerate sacrificed creatures though? another thing to mention is that Nighthowler is on the MAYBE list, because im still on the edge of whether I want shit to become powerful based on my graveyard/ opponents graveyard, or if I simply want to bring shit back from the graveyard simply to sacrifice them for more effects, or if it was an important creature, actually keep it there.also Birthing Pod looks pretty good, so I might want to put that in my deck because its a sacrifice a creature, look for a creature with 1 plus whatever the converted mana cost of sacrificed creature's mana cost, and put it onto the field (meaning if i can get a creature with a morbid effect or something similar it will automatically proc) and im wondering if using undying as sacrifice's is a good idea.also, if a card FORCES me to sacrifice a creature every upkeep, could I use Birthing Pod 's sacrifice effect and have it count to the requirement of a forced sacrifice
November 25, 2013 10:02 p.m.
also, @chief bell, those are pretty good suggestions, thanks :D
do you happen to know how much they go for money wise?
November 25, 2013 11:33 p.m.
If you wanna use birthing pod along with a forced sac like Eldrazi Monument , you cant do do two for one, you need to sac one for the force and another for birthing. You cant regenerate something that was sacrificed either =s. From what it seems like what you want to do is sac creatures with persist or undying and prob have some creatures to remove their counters so they can die again. Melira pod decks have a inf combo that uses that method and they are one of the better decks in modern format. Gravecrawler and Bloodghast are some low mana cards that come back from grave which might work out for you. If you wanna use Nighthowler , you can prob run some removal spells because it counts for creatures in all graves. Hope this helps a bit.
November 26, 2013 12:31 a.m.
@goodair, thanks. which aspect would you suggest I go on: self sacrifice with cards that come back from the grave, or sacrifice cards and have those cards stay in their graveyard (so Jarad, Lich Lord and Nighthowler to get maximum efficiency?
November 26, 2013 3:49 p.m.
If I were you, i'd look up other decks that people have made, play test them, and see what you enjoy more. Then from there you can make changes that you see fit. It's a good way to learn some card interactions that the deck builder might have come across.
ChiefBell says... #2
Please post an actual deck on the site. It'll be easier to read through. Do you need help on how to do that?
November 25, 2013 1:25 p.m.