Blue Ninjas! Help?
Deck Help forum
Posted on May 6, 2013, 12:35 p.m. by Enalreh
Hello there, I'm working on my first deck made of singles instead of card packs, and I'd like some tips before going through with buying it. It's just for casual play with some friends, but my friends are pretty darn good at building decks themselves.
The basic theme of the deck is the Ninjutsu ability from Kamigawa. When an allied creature attacks and is not blocked, you can pay a lesser cost to put a ninja into play, tapped and attacking. The obvious thing to do was to get all sorts of creatures to help activate that. Shadow, Unblockable, Flying, and Horsemanship all show up in this deck.
The more advanced theme is that cards are constantly entering and leaving play on my side of the board. I've seen it written that one ninja in hand is better than two on the field. The Faerie Impostor lets me return a creature to my hand as it enters, the Thalakos Seer lets me draw a card as it leaves the field, the Ronin Warclub equips to creatures that enter the field, et cetera. The Tandem Lookout can Soulbond with a ninja that enters play to let me draw another card, then bond with a new one so long as I remove the first ninja from the field.
Now, there seem to be a few problems so far. There are no creatures I can play on the first turn. I have a single playset of 1-drops, but they require another creature on the field to use properly. (Preferably a ninja.) I'm also somewhat worried about being able to block enemy creatures, unless I pull a lot of control cards, or my assistant creatures can chump block. What would be some good creatures for this deck that cost one mana? Do you think the lack of strong blockers will be a problem?