Blue/White Angel - Standard
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 24, 2013, 1:41 a.m. by Raivyn
I'm trying to organize a deck that utilizes a Blue/White combination with an angel theme. Unfortunately I've been a little out of touch with the Standard format and the new cards which have been released...
In short, I'm looking for suggestions on what to build...
Nigrescence says... #3
You also forgot Restoration Angel as a standard power creature for blue/white stuff, especially since you also mentioned Snapcaster Mage .
I love Emancipation Angel personally, and it works well for recycling Detention Sphere to grab new threats or more stuff they've played, or to kill a planeswalker if they played another after you sphere'd it.
Consider Silverblade Paladin to provide some more boost to your angels when you get them out. A Cathedral Sanctifier is a cheap way to give you more life while you're waiting for your angels to start kicking in, and to put up a meager defense for early on, and Fiend Hunter for the same.
February 24, 2013 3:34 a.m.
Angel of Jubilation also for a little more kick. keep 4 of her in almost every white deck i build.
cartwheelnurd says... #2
the only standard UW angel i think is Bruna, Light of Alabaster , bot that won;t work at all. Otherwise, I can see a control type deck with some big top end angels. There's not much standard can do against Angel of Serenity s and Avacyn, Angel of Hope s. run Entreat the Angels and some control, like Detention Sphere , Think Twice , Azorius Charm , Supreme Verdict , and Snapcaster Mage plus counters.
February 24, 2013 2:34 a.m.