Boros Event Deck Tweak help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 10, 2013, 1:19 p.m. by clcoleman15

I plan on getting the event deck tweaking it then taking it to game day i want to add 2 card:Aurelia's Fury, 1 Hellrider , 1 more Champion of the Parish , and 2 Firemane Avenger then theres other cards that will go good like mugging and some others but i can sideboard them but my question is, what should i take out to add these cards? thanks for the help

Slycne says... #2

Some are pretty easy like Mugging can swap in for Pillar of Flame if you'd rather have the can't block instead of exile.

For the rest, Doomed Traveler , Gather the Townsfolk , Firefist Striker , Sunhome Guildmage , Truefire Paladin and Skyknight Legionnaire are the bottom of the deck in terms of power, so they could be cut for better cards. Ash Zealot could also go. While a great card, roughly half the mana base won't support casting her (10 plains and an colorless).

It's probably fine for game day, but on 23 lands I simply wouldn't play card:Aurelia's Fury here. You just don't have the mana base to consistently cast it at the high cost where you start to see value from it.

February 10, 2013 1:42 p.m.

clcoleman15 says... #3

i was definantly gonna cut Ash Zealot and Truefire Paladin and Sunhome Guildmage maybe lose 1 Gather the Townsfolk and add another Boros Charm i kind of like Firefist Striker and the skyknight i am gonna take out the guildgates and add more Clifftop Retreat o and i forgot that i have a few Boros Reckoner thats a must

February 10, 2013 1:56 p.m.

clcoleman15 says... #4

what about Daring Skyjek im not sure what people at my local game shop will bring to game day but if its what i normally see theres not a whole lot if any flying creatures so the sky jek could help

February 10, 2013 1:59 p.m.

Slycne says... #5

Daring Skyjek is pretty anemic if you can't get battalion going. It trades with pretty much anything, including mana dorks. I like Wojek Halberdiers better if you're looking for a 3 power 2 CMC creature.

February 10, 2013 2:06 p.m.

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