Boss Naya in Modern

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 17, 2014, 11:10 p.m. by GlistenerAgent

GP Prague just went down last weekend, and here are the top 8 deck archetypes: U/W/R Midrange, Splinter Twin , Jund, UR Delver of Secrets  Flip aggro, Junk, Jund, Jund and R/G Tron, in order of place finish. What I see are 4 Jund variants, 2 pretty fair blue aggro/control decks and 2 unfair decks in Splinter Twin and Tron. What does this mean? Fair decks are starting to do better. Many of the combo decks in Modern are simply midrange creature or control decks when they don't draw combo pieces, which means that a deck that can beat down on these midrangey fair strategies will do very well. This is where Naya comes in. Boss Naya (besides the fact that the name is awesome, emphasis on the BOSS) can beat up on the aforementioned midrange decks because of its sheer size and resilience. My build is somewhat rough, but I think the general idea of mana creatures ramping into beaters is set, along with Domri Rade for some amazing removal and card advantage. Specifically, I am looking for any advice as to the numbers on some of these creatures, as I am not entirely sure which ones are the most versatile and powerful. I would also like a suggestion on whether or not Ajani Vengeant deserves a maindeck slot, as he is very useful in some matchups but terrible in others. Please note that Tarmogoyf is not an option for my deck. Thanks for your help!


Krayhaft says... #2

Not to get off topic, but how are tron and Splinter Twin decks unfair? Tron is very easily disrupted, and there are sideboard options against Twin as well. They would be unfair if they were dominating the format, which it doesn't seem they are.

If you really think those decks are bad, you have sideboard options in your colors. Sowing Salt , Fulminator Mage , and any sort of land destruction can neuter tron, and as for Twin, you have options like Imposing Sovereign and Blind Obedience .

January 18, 2014 12:15 a.m.

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