B/R Shrieking affliction control

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 1, 2012, 12:28 a.m. by Caligino

Link: B/R Shrieking affliction control

Hey guys, this is my current brew and need to get it ready for this weeks FNM and another standard tournament on Sunday. Currently debating on running more barters in main, maybe even over one or two mutilate's. Also debating on swapping my one dreadbore main for another barter in blood.

Another difficult decision is searing spear vs brimstone volley, I have been leaning towards spear because At turn four ill probably be wiping the board a few times.

If your wondering about the diabolic revelation and elixir they are part of a combo which goes off at 8 mana that allows me to tool box my deck for what ever I need every other turn. If I happen to get a liliana DR ult off by this point. I am able to tutor my deck for all shrieking afflictions and a rakdo's return for lethal along with the combo to do it again if needed.

If this fails, I'll just let Olivia do all the heavy lifting.

I appreciate all comments, I'll be play testing this tomorrow night, I'll bring all the interesting cards you guys recommend to test with. Thanks!

Caligino says... #2

I also need to make room for a single card:Curse of Death's Hold.

November 1, 2012 2:39 a.m.

mayan_heck says... #3

i saw a deck tech recently with a similar sort of deck


i've tried to make a deck like this work, and have had some success. drop 1 mutilate, add bloodline keepers possibly, not sure if the DR/elixer combo is relevant in this deck, since you'll either be dead or way ahead once you get to 8 mana (even with the keyrunes). rav rats is good, olivia is good, add another dreadbore and another return in the MD at least.

sign in bloods or altar's reaps for draw power.

i feel like there's too much creature hate in the main deck and not enough discard. see how playtesting goes and work it out.

November 1, 2012 3:45 a.m.

Caligino says... #4

After testing tonight I feel you are completely right about not enough discard, I have so little that Shrieking Affliction was almost a dead card until I went off with card:Rakdos's Return. However, there are times when my opponents would hold a card in hand just to prevent taking 6 damage it did do something.

I may remove them for more Barter in Blood s and add another Liliana of the Dark Realms , ill probably try a replacing it with a another win condition.

Bloodline keepers were a dead card in here unfortunately, its hard to run them and olivia, I couldn't find a time where i would play the keeper over her if she was in my hand other then baiting a counter. He IS a huge thread though that needs to be dealt with.

I liked searing spear over brimstone volley against zombies, other way around against just about everything else.

also... revelations was sweeeet.

November 2, 2012 12:42 a.m.

Cirdan13 says... #5

How about Shimian Specter .

November 2, 2012 5:48 a.m.

Sagi007 says... #6

discard what bout Mind Rot and the comment above Shimian Specter

November 2, 2012 6:39 a.m.

Caligino says... #7

I've tried Mind Rot in the past, but had more success with Mental Agony , but at times even that felt like a dead card. I'm a bit skeptical about Shimian Specter but I may as well give it a try.Thanks.

November 3, 2012 2:55 a.m.

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