Breaking Infernal Plunge
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 8, 2013, 7:38 p.m. by Sl1p5
Infernal Plunge & Young Pyromancer .With YP and 1 starter token, this now reads "Add RRR to your mana pool". Dark Ritual in standard? Not quite. T1 land, T2 YP, T3 Shock , T4 Plunge.6 mana on T4? I feel like this is already possible through mana dorks. Even with a T1 dork, 6 mana turn 3 is slightly better. Let's try a different approach.
T1 Young Wolf , T2 Plunge. 4 mana turn 2? Either way, you're playing 2 turns ahead of your opponent. What's disgusting on T2? Huntmaster of the Fells Flip perhaps? Olivia Voldaren ? My deck, Pulling the Rug (Tempo) really wants Plunge, but I'm trying hard to fit broken uses of it in there. Acquiring some Huntmasters and squeezing them in wouldn't be too hard. Of course as the game progresses, 3 extra mana on any turn courtesy of YP is amazing to make tempo plays with. While I'm discussing YP, Rapid Hybridization is now a U, 3/3, Flash. What do you guys think, worth spending 3-4 slots on Plunge in any deck for this, provided there are 1 drop creatures and 4 YP?
It depends entirely on the quality of card that's being dropped.
Remember that Infernal Plunge is still costing a card and board resources, whether or not your getting it "free". So whatever is being accelerated into need to be able to make up for that by itself. In standard right now, honestly I don't think there is anything, even untapping with Olivia Voldaren T3 isn't that great. You're only going to have mana open for a single shot. Huntmaster of the Fells Flip certainly has a lot of value, but he's hardly back-breaking. You've used the same amount of cards to essentially play Burning-Tree Emissary into Burning-Tree Emissary .
Some games you'd certainly land something early and it takes over the game, but others would see you stuck with useless Infernal Plunge in hand and either nothing in play or nothing in play that you want to sac.
August 8, 2013 7:55 p.m.
About the Infernal Plunge : I feel rather dense for not thinking about creature casting.
Rapid Hybridization is an incredible card. I've watched someone side out a rather unimpressive generic simic build into a high-speed aggro deck. It took apart jund & goblins. It was sickening.
August 8, 2013 7:57 p.m.
combine Infernal Plunge , Young Pyromancer , Battle Hymn , Goblin Electromancer , Krenko's Command , and Burn at the Stake in one deck and you have a T3 combo kill
August 8, 2013 8:18 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #6
Like this:deck-large:trolling-with-young-pyro-budget
August 8, 2013 8:20 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #8
Dumber and weirder things have happened. It can kill turn four with decent consistency for a turn four combo kill. You could also throw it in your yard and just Past in Flames it.
August 8, 2013 8:21 p.m.
To really break Plunge, it should become good enough to splash in seamlessly without building around. The combos with it are obvious, but with any combo it's really weak. Decks that run sac outlets will add in Slip and Artist because they help out what the deck is doing and they break those cards by utilizing them to the fullest extent. What I'm more concerned with is could the card become a no brainer rather than can the card be built around.
August 8, 2013 8:25 p.m.
You do not necessarily need every single one of those cards to win by T3, those are just the main cards that make up the deck, you could even throw in Faithless Looting to make sure you can more successfully get what you need in hand.
Here is a video link better describing the deck: Young Pyromance Combo
August 8, 2013 8:33 p.m.
fluffybunnypants says... #11
That's the problem, you're trying to break a mana source. You need to be able to do something with the mana that makes sense. It's always going to need a buddy of some sort. I would assume Doomed Traveler would be a great example or how to get an infernal plunge rolling. Turn 2 Boros Reckoner and spirit token? It's rough because there needs to be a reason it's broken. It's like when you ask people if Avacyn's Pilgrim is broken because it lets bant hexproof decks get a turn 2 Geist of Saint Traft and then sac the pilgrim during an edict effect. They won't say it's broken, nor should they. Broken cards give you an advantage that is insurmountable, think Necropotence .
Behgz says... #2
I think these are all fun ideas and I really like the idea of adding the simic shenanigans into it, with rapid hybridization and young wolf, which makes it a cool RUG brew.
I have tried making infernal plunge work as well as my friend who had made a mono red ramp deck back when Koth was still in standard, he would get out Goblin Arsonist so when he sac'd it to infernal plunge he could deal 1 damage to get blood thirst active then play Furyborn Hellkite . It was pretty cool til m12 roto'd.
August 8, 2013 7:53 p.m.