Bringing Pyxis of Pandemonium to FNM!
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 9, 2014, 1:30 a.m. by byepolarbear
Hey all! Help me feel good about bringing Pyxis of Pandemonium to FNM!
I'm not looking to 4-0 or anything like that, I'd just like the deck to run smoothly enough to be fun because guess what? That's just how I want to roll this Friday! =-D
Side note: running MBD and trying for wins is fun and all but it gets old. Time to bring the insanity lol
Ultimaodin says... #3
You definitely want scry. Pick what you want to throw into Pryxis and what not to. Irindu is the best colour combo as you can use blue to scry with Thassa and Prognostic Sphinx and Omen Speaker. Green lets you mana dork to get there fast with Elvish mystic and Caryatid. Red lets you do a lot of things good like Purphorus to burn galore (when all your creatures hit) Also, Pryxis hurts control so you may as well play Ruric Thar and go full anti control. Also throw in Darksteel Ingot so Pryxis can't be destroyed.
I'll make a build for you to get ideas from but in the mean time this was my fun christmas deck. It got destroyed but damn was it fun at FNM:A Very Naya Christmas standard
January 9, 2014 2:57 a.m.
Ultimaodin says... #4
My bad, Darksteel Ingot is not the card I was thinking of. :(
January 9, 2014 3:05 a.m.
Ultimaodin says... #5
Darksteel Forge is the protection one but it costs 9mana. :/
Anyway, very quick build: Irindu in Pandemonium
January 9, 2014 3:24 a.m.
ChrisHansonBiomancin says... #6
I saw a pretty cool Mono Red Devotion deck that used Pyxis of Pandemonium to pull off some huge hits from Fanatic of Mogis . It used Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx to pay the cost, Ogre Battledriver to give all the creatures haste when they came in, and Purphoros, God of the Forge to deal even more damage to the face. That seems like a good mix of competitiveness and craziness since mono Red is a pretty solid deck by itself. You could go Dragon-heavy with lots of Scourge of Valkas and Stormbreath Dragon , maybe even Utvara Hellkite .
I also like Ultimaodin's idea of using it to cheat in Worldspine Wurm
I'll try to be creative here and wing something. ETB triggers seem to be where it's at. Selesnya has a lot of good ETB triggers to abuse, such as Angel of Serenity , Armada Wurm , Scion of Vitu-Ghazi , Trostani's Summoner is some nice overkill, Sylvan Primordial , and there are even cheaper options like Centaur Healer and Banisher Priest . Maybe even throw in Trostani, Selesnya's Voice to gain a ton of life when it all goes down. Just fill out the bottom of the curve with a bunch of dorks and you have yourself a deck. You could even make it Naya for Domri Rade , Chained to the Rocks , and Ogre Battledriver , or Bant for Detention Sphere , Master Biomancer , Progenitor Mimic (lots of awesome targets when talking ETB triggers), and Prime Speaker Zegana .
Arvail says... #2
Hmm. I feel like your deck is just a collection of green creatures and Pyxis of Pandemonium . My first instinct is to try and find a way to incorporate scry or effects like Domri Rade to take peeks at your library...
January 9, 2014 1:49 a.m.