BU Control Pauper.

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 9, 2014, 3:39 p.m. by DaggerV

Prophecy of BU! Playtest

Pauper* DaggerV


I guess one of my LGS decided to do paper pauper every other Saturday, so I decided to build a deck for it :D

Kiln Storm and Infect are all the rage, which might be obvious, however I am set in my way and want to run Blue, however due to said Infect and Kiln Storm decks, I decided it might be wise to splash black for some extra answers, and here I am, with this pool of cards. I know with black typically comes with a discard suite, but that's not what I want to focus on really, just more raw control until I get a beater to beat your face in. With a bit of flashback and Accumulated Knowledge -esque effects, I don't think discard will cause too much issue for me. Focused more on forcing opponent to sac their creatures rather than destroy to get around possible hexproof problems. There's a lot of card draw too, possibly too much.

One of my bigger questions though is I want to include Spire Golem as part of my creature-base due to nostalgia, it's not a bad card, but both Omen Speaker and Mulldrifter provides too much of an advantage to pass up on. Devler and Ulamog are idealy my beats, but I feel like I need another way to win, like possibly milling which tends to suck. What do you guys think? I do need to figure out how to cut this down to 38-40 so i can squeeze some lands in.

DaggerV says... #2

Dang, wish i could edit my post there, typos out the butt xD

Guess I should pay attention to post preview

March 9, 2014 3:41 p.m.

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