B/U Zombie Mill - Critique Wanted

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 29, 2011, 5:58 p.m. by CrunchBogus

Welcome to my thread! WHAT'S THAT BEHIND YOU?

Phew! Don't worry, it's just a harmless rip-off of the TF2 Halloween blog entries. OR IS IT?

You're safe for now, but suffice to say, HAPPY HALLOWEEN! In honor of my life-long passion for this sweetest of holidays, and Innistrad's appropriately-timed release, I have decided to use science to combine two horrifying themes - zombies hordes and deck milling - into one and the same! sound of thunder crackling overhead

However! No mad genius succeeds on his own, at least as far as his peers who aren't stitched-together abominations with the implanted brains of sycophants are concerned. I need your help, deckbuilding countrymen! Please take a look at my decklist for what I am calling "Dr. Ned's Old Fashioned Mill Deck" and tell me what you think: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/dr-neds-old-fashioned-mill-deck/

Obviously, Undead Alchemist is the crux of this deck, but I had not room for many cheap creature cards after stuffing it with mill and draw spells and equipment. Not to worry, Grave Titan and Moan of the Unhallowed have so far done a decent job of keeping the bodycount high in friendly games (against both Standard and Extended decks), but not to more than about 50-60% reliability. What would you remove, replace, or add in? Also, how is my sideboard? I basically just through in the typical Blue and Black sideboard cards (Flashfreeze and Deathmark ) with some added removal for decks that make use of Flashback or Indestructable (Nihil Spellbomb and Dismember ).

Witteee says... #2

TBH, i dont think that black is the best way to go about zombies in Innistrad. I went mono blue and I'm hving a blast. The key is that you get Nim Deathmantle because your normal heavy hitters, or basically anything you can like becomes a zombie. Sac it to something like card:Stitcher's Apprentice and bring it back to play with the deathmantle on it making it a black zombie with intimidate. should you choose to go with blue red, like i have been desperately trying to do, then you can sac a Wurmcoil Engine to a Culling Dais , or Infernal Plunge then send it back into play as an 8/8 Zombie with deathtouch and lifelink, because you can tap the two tokens you get from when it died to pay the equip cost once it hits the graveyard.

Black has some cool zombie cards, but they are all bland to the likeness of Sutured Ghoul , they are boring and unimaginative. i would rather pull a turn four Wurmcoil Engine and swing at them with that 8/8. or for instance Steel Hellkite , how annoying are some of those flip cards? attack with the hellkite which is now a flying zombie black zombie with intimidate that murders any and all permanents your opponents have like Dungrove Elder , or anything else thats hexproof for that matter.

the deck i have posted isnt finished because i haven't had a chance to play it yet but Undead Alchemist +Nim Deathmantle +Trepanation Blade +Grand Architect (and I'll be using Mindshrieker but thats because of my preference to where I think zombies are at. not to mention now Day of judgement and Day of reckoning are useless because i still have a big bad mofo when you have nothing....MILL ON Brotha

October 30, 2011 8:26 a.m.

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