budget america control help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 6, 2014, 12:08 a.m. by corncob
Been working on this control deck, Livin' in America for a few weeks now and I really enjoy playing it. Looking for ways to make it better aside from Jace, Architect of Thought , or Sphinx's Revelation . Currently working on acquiring more scry/shock lands. I like the Young Pyromancer but Im not sure if he really belongs, I dont mind sacrificing him and some tokens with a supreme verdict, as he is really just there to generate chump blockers, but I feel like it may be more beneficial to replace with more counterspells. I have had more opportunities to playtest against control decks than aggro or burn so I am not sure how those will go, but it seemed to do fairly well against what is has faced so far. Thanks for any feedback!