B/U/G deck help

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 17, 2014, 8:22 p.m. by corncob

Just started putting together a rough idea of how this deck would go, the idea is to get quite a bit of card draw and untap with Prophet of Kruphix to be able to play many copies of Pack Rat , while using blue/black counterspells and removal to control the board. I know this still needs a lot more thought put into it, thanks for any feedback!

Prophet of the Rats

Grimgrinner says... #2

It seems your only reason for having green is to use Elvish Mystic and Prophet of Kruphix . Why not just use U/B and have a faster, more consistent mana base? I can see the power in using the prophet to cast more rats, and then womp them with a Gray Merchant of Asphodel , But You'd have more speed, consistency, and efficiency If you just cut the green.

That said, I only say cut green because It looks like you're going budget. IF You wanted to dump some money into the deck, Overgrown Tomb , Breeding Pool , Thoughtseize , Abrupt Decay , Hero's Downfall , ect would really help your power level.

January 17, 2014 9:23 p.m.

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