Building my first mtg paper deck. What should I go for?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Dec. 16, 2019, 5:24 p.m. by Liszt
I have decided to build my very first mtg paper deck to battle my friends and there are so many cards I have no idea where to start. Basically, there are just 2 rules: Firstly, I don't want to commit to any format, it's just kitchen table magic. And secondly, I don't want to spend an entire salary on a deck. I think around 10$ is the most I'm willing to pay for a single card. So my question is: Are there fun and interactive unformat decks that one can afford? Maybe awesome cards to build around?
To make recommendations easier, I want to give you an idea about my taste: The cards I've enjoyed the most so far (when playing with my friends decks) seem to be some kind of value midrange cards, like Tireless Tracker (most likely my favorite mtg card yet), The Scarab God , Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet . On the other hand, I like blue instants and the flash mechanic (like Torrential Gearhulk and Snapcaster Mage ) or weird stuff like Goblin Welder . In general, I don't like combo decks, r/w aggro decks or very draw dependent one trick ponies (like reanimator or mill).
So far I have tried to make a solid sultai midrange list, but the fun and insane cards ( Thoughtseize , Tarmogoyf , the walkers like Lili, Jace or Oko and the fetch lands, etc.) are making it way too expensive.
So.. to sum it all up again: Are there any cards/mechanics/sets I should take a look into? Maybe a budget 5c walker deck, some tribal or some deck focused misfit mechanics like delirium or exalted?
I would avoid 3+ colours if you are building on a budget - lands can get costly rather quickly.
Beyond Sultai midrange, what do you enjoy playing? Having a better idea of your play style will make advise a bit easier.
I also second shadow63’s suggestion of looking at some Pioneer lists for inspiration. Perhaps some Pauper lists as well (which you could upgrade with non-pauper cards). Both formats have decks that will be competitive at the kitchen table level, without being so expensive (or so hard to make budget substitutions) as to break the bank.
December 16, 2019 5:59 p.m.
Aight, thanks everyone for the tips. I looked through the current meta decks of pioneer and modern and decided to go for something value based in bg. Maybe you have some recommendations to sharpen the deck or streamline it further?
shadow63 says... #2
Well you've listed some very powerful cards so I'd recommend looking into a pioneer or modern green blue deck and use it as a template
December 16, 2019 5:40 p.m.