B/W/R Aggro

Deck Help forum

Posted on May 15, 2013, 3:32 p.m. by Uuluwi

Hello,i've been playing MTG since the old days of Onslaught,Scourge and all the other happy editions. I would like to ask you people for some help and insight to make a deck based around Rakdos,Lord of Riots alongside Immortal Servitude as a back up play to beat my enemies down.

Why here and why you guys? Well,because i've seen some pretty sick yet cheap decks listed here which could kick ass even in pro tournaments,so i guess you guys know your Magics :D

Now i primarily would like to play casually against friends and occasionally show up for a local tournament which are hosted by a friend of mine with whom i used to collect and play. Anyways i've never played in a tournament so i have no clue which cards are banned/restricted/out of the format,etc.

I have created a prototype deck for you guys to check out and if possible to improve upon :)

Here goes nothing: Have(y/n)

2x Rakdos,Lord of Riots<y 2x Rakdos's Return <n 3x Rakdos Cackler <y 3x Boros Elite <y 4x Immortal Servitude <y 2x Dreadbore <y 2x Firemane Avenger <y 3x High Priest of Penance <y 3x Spark Trooper <y 4x Godless Shrine <n 4x Blood Crypt <n 4x Sacred Foundry <n 4x Lightning Helix <n 2x Terminate <n 2x Duress <n 2x Swords to Plowshares <n 2x Slaughter Games <y 4x Terramorphic Expanse <y 4x Evolving Wilds <y 2x Mountain 2x Plains 2x Swamp

Now as you can see,the playmaker or Leo Messi/Christiano Ronaldo of my deck would be Rakdos,Lord of Riots,trampling his way to victory and helping to lower the cost of Spark Trooper 's and Firemane Avenger 's and if that doesn't work out i can "tank" it out the opponent with my "lowbies" aka Rakdos Cackler ,High Priest of Penance ,Boros Elite and then "recall" them all with a Immortal Servitude .

Now to get some control against the enemy i chucked in Lightning Helix to deal with creatures he puts in,blast him in the face with it and get myself back in shape(i do have 4x Lightning Bolt coming to me so you can count that into the equation. Also,to deal with some "meatier" creatures he might play i got Terminate and Dreadbore which is primarily targeted towards plainswalkers,as i've seen quite a few championship videos where one of them destroyed the game. Also i put in Swords to Plowshares for the same reason as the Terminate's.

For the end,i put in Slaughter Games to get rid of any pesky and plain annoying cards like Nevermore etc. which can break my deck from a Tibetan Mastiff(http://www.dogspot.in/userfiles/images/Biggest-Tibetan-Mastiff-5.jpg) down to a Poodle. For some hand control i put in Rakdos's Return and Duress .

Any insight/suggestions/help is greatly appreciated.

Final Note:I was also thinking of perhaps getting 4x Crypt Ghast and add one or two maybe and also 4xStromkirk Noble .

And yes,i know i haven't put anything in the Sideboard(so any help would be great) nor Arid Mesa /Marsh Flats but they are insanely expensive so i put in Terramorphic Expanse/Evolving Wilds instead.

For the end,Thanks a lot for any and all feedback/help i can get here and sorry for the huge wall of text :S

DukeNicky says... #2

For starters I love to see another footie fan on here, second thing I can't believe you would compare Ronaldo and Messi like that!

Now to the Magics:

It would be beneficial to know what format you are looking to play. Standard? Modern? Legacy? I ask because some of the cards you listed aren't currently Standard legal. Next, would be what's your budget? It would also help if you used the sites "Deck Builder" function to build a deck and make things look a lil more neat.

May 15, 2013 3:51 p.m.

Uuluwi says... #3

Ok,since i've never played in any tournaments Standard is the format with just the last few sets that came out,right? if so,yep that's the one...Legacy-nope

Also,i did make the entire deck in the deck builder function,but i can't seem to paste it here. :(

May 15, 2013 4:11 p.m.

Khanye says... #4

Immortal Servitude only brings back exact cmc creatures. so it would either be the cacklers / elite or the high priest. Firemane Avenger and Spark Trooper do not belong in a rakdos deck imo. if you really want to use it to the fullest Hellrider with Rakdos, Lord of Riots could make a mess of things fast. also more two drops like Ash Zealot , Blood Artist , Wight of Precinct Six would function nicely for your Immortal Servitude

May 15, 2013 4:53 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #5

Im surprised no one did this yet but, Linked

B/W/R Aggro "Soulflaying Aggro"

May 15, 2013 5:11 p.m.

Uuluwi says... #6

yeah,sorry i'm new to the forum xD

May 15, 2013 5:13 p.m.

Uuluwi says... #7

@ khanye yeah,i know it's only exact cmc. I wanted that as a "ace in the hole" if a trampling Rakdos fails to kill,so i just flash back all the 1 drops back so my boros elites are up with battalion,the cacklers stay unleashed so i can just overrun my enemy. The high priests would just be there to wipe the board as a forceful attacker whom he isn't allowed to block or as a defender that can wipe a tough cookie out.

May 15, 2013 5:44 p.m.

Uuluwi says... #8

Also the deck isn't based on Rakdos only...else i'd go with Falkenrath Aristocrat 's and Geralf's Messenger the three colors are my favorites,so i'd like to make a deck based around them.

May 15, 2013 5:45 p.m.

Khanye says... #9

you do realize the creatures that come back into play do not have haste, so there is still summoning sickness to be dealt with.

May 15, 2013 5:46 p.m.

Khanye says... #10

Geralf's Messenger is my favorite target for Immortal Servitude

May 15, 2013 5:47 p.m.

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