BWR Needs to become solid
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 22, 2013, 4:05 p.m. by capriom85
The October CountryTook this to Theros Gameday...went 2-3 and did not make the top 8. I was pretty unhappy with the way it performed, and I think a big part of it was that I threw it together without much testing first because I wanted to play it. I was able to win against American control and WU Humans. The American match was pretty easy to win since his win con, Elspeth was killed early on by my Desecration Demon . The WU humans was a budget build, and contained none of the cards that would make WU humans worth running right now, so it was really not a tough match. I went 1-2 again U devotion...really close game 3. I also went 1-2 against BW midrange...the games were mostly a race to Blood Baron of Vizkopa . The only game I won was when I got Slaughter Games off T4 naming his Barons. I think Celestial Flare would have been helpful here as well. The other match was 0-2 against WU humans the way its meant to be played. I saw no removal game 1 and my early Reckoners proved a good target for Domestication . Game 2 I got mana screwed and was locked in at 3 lands with a handful of dead cards...Daxos of Meletis just kept coming and my single Reckoner I drew was powerless to stop him. I am looking for help on this deck....thanks!