Can I play R/G Monsters without a playset of Stormbreath Dragon s?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 17, 2014, 8:53 a.m. by Korombos
So I entered a smallish tournament this weekend to see if my Xenagos & Domri Party-4th Place! deck was any good (13 entrants total). There were many last-minute decisions, including buying a second Nylea, God of the Hunt and taking out my singular Kalonian Hydra to fit it in. My sideboard is a relic of this decision-making process, rather than being a good sideboard.
I saw lots of other r/g decks that day. As far as I could tell, all of the other decks that ran red were running playsets of Stormbreath Dragon and even 4x Domri Rade . Did I even stand a chance, other than the fate of an opponent's manascrew or a very lucky break, without running 4x Stormbreath of my own? Are there any good anti-stormbreath strategies developing out there?
With a limited budget (say $30 monthly) is it worth it to keep developing this deck? What direction should I go in? Should I build up my miuzzium mortars or Clan Defiance ? Should I just consolidate my budget and work towards my own stable of Stormbreath Dragon s or Domri Rade s? Am I overlooking other (cheaper?) possibilities for my deck?
Marik_Ishtar says... #3
I would say pick up some Arbor Colossus s if you are worried about any flying stuff. It is also very possible to play R/G Monsters without Stormbreath Dragon .
February 17, 2014 9:41 a.m.
As someone running am similar deck I say you don't need it. Domi is a need though. However storm is a good card just not always needed. Honestly I went for garruks and Xenagos over the storm
February 17, 2014 10:20 a.m.
I still like Flame-Wreathed Phoenix as a budget Stormbreath Dragon
February 17, 2014 10:27 a.m.
I played against a G/R monsters deck this Friday with my mono black devotion deck. I can absolutely say that Domri is a MUST HAVE in the deck. Stormbreath, while great, isn't so much of an auto inclusion to me. Like others have said there are good alternatives that can play nearly as well, if not just as well. I would consolidate what you have and work towards getting the Domri's. The dragon's can wait.
February 17, 2014 10:58 a.m.
Schuesseled says... #7
Kalonian Hydra is a good alternative to stormbreath, it's not quite as aggressive or as good against control but it will wreck face after a turn or two. Unfortunately the price is about the same.
ifired says... #2
Play Deadly Recluse as a counter against that big scary Stormbreath Dragon
February 17, 2014 9:05 a.m.