Can someone look at this and maybe help?

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 6, 2014, 5:33 p.m. by pauljames61491

So I have this new EDH idea in mind for a deck. It was originally going to be a mono-blue Azami deck with a heavy Wizard theme. But then I saw that Derevi was actually a Wizard as well. I currently run a Grand Arbiter PillowFort deck which I'm using many of the blue and white cards as a base for. The goal of this deck is to draw alot of cards, all while providing protection and getting out a few beefy creatures to poke with. There are alot of Wizard creatures that I have as possibilities. My problem is I have way too many cards, and need to thin the amount down alot. If anyone can help maybe nudge me to a more focused theme, please don't hesitate to (literally) rip my deck apart :)

Derevi, Empyrial Tactician Base Playtest

Commander / EDH* pauljames61491


Arvail says... #2

I think you may have to step back and look at your deck from afar. Your commander is the most flexible of all the ones that came out alongside it. You can run Derevi as a combo, tap control, weenie swarm, or any other bant style. The wizards tribal is cool but not really doing much.

Hone in on win conditions. Think about how Deveri will allow you to win you the game. This general is naturally good in running politics. Just going pillow fort won't win you the game. Once you have a focused idea on how you want your commander to interact with your cards you should have a much easier time eliminating cards.

Personally, I'd build my deck around abusing the heck out of things like Mana Vault , Gilded Lotus , and so on.

January 6, 2014 6:03 p.m.

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