Can This Deck be Modernized??
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 21, 2013, 10:24 a.m. by Replayced
This was my first competitive deck. It did well back in the day. It is still one of my favorite decks. I have been trying to update the Deck since I came back to the game. Some cards have been easy, some cards not. Others dont have a modern reprint or close enough replacement. So my goal is to get it as close to modern ready as it can be. Any help is appreciated.
Actually it comes out swinging turn 2 with a 5/4 flyer then falls back on the Combo (Reins of Power and Goblin Bombardment . The dragon and djinn were added because I needed a secondary win con. This is by no means a goblin tribal deck.
Brett05 says... #2
Goblins should be a lot more aggro. This seems to try and stall until you get out the djinn or dragon, and there is way to much removal to take care of them. I don't have any experience with goblins, but if I were to play them I'd go mono red and drop the blue
September 21, 2013 11:48 a.m.