Can this Old School Necro/Control hang with modern decks?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 23, 2013, 2:19 p.m. by favrebest
Just got back into Magic, all my cards predate 1995 and my old decks got destroyed at local card shop. I would like input on whether or not this deck could hold it's own against modern decks?
Necropotence is banned in legacy and i believe it is restricted in vintage. If you want to build a good deck, chances are you are going to have to buy into the format more because alot of the power cards in legacy and vintage are newer than your collection. Examples: Snapcaster Mage , Jace, the Mind Sculptor , fetch lands, Deathrite Shaman , Emrakul, the Aeons Torn , Griselbrand , etc.
February 23, 2013 4:53 p.m.
Thanks, I see now what I'm up against. I knew I'd have to buy some cards soon, I just built this one in hopes of not getting a beating right from the start. However it may be a losing battle without at least a few newer cards.
favrebest says... #2
A more accurate description:
Can this old-school deck hang with newer decks?I haven't played magic since 1995 or 96. I was really into it so I have several thousand cards from The Dark to Homelands. I am trying to build a deck that could hang with current decks until I can get more modern cards. I thought a Black and Blue control deck running Necropotence and primarily blue/black counters and cards that take other creatures since most of my creatures are outdated. Like I said I have a ton of older cards so if you know of a card from The Dark to the Homelands expansion that would work better than what I have to compete at my local shop, please let me know. Also, if you think this is a lost cause trying to compete with newer decks that input would also be helpful.
February 23, 2013 2:32 p.m.