Can you turn UTron into UGTron?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 17, 2013, 8:11 p.m. by Ohthenoises
So I had a random thought while explaining the finer points in the differences between R/G Tron and U Tron.
Could you add G to a U Tron shell like I Fight For the Users! and make it UG? The purpose of this would be to add Ancient Stirrings and Sylvan Scrying in some numbers.
What are everyone's thoughts?
I definitely think it would work. Plus be more interesting lol.
August 17, 2013 9:21 p.m.
miracleHat says... #6
oh, that is what it was. nevermind then, anyways, i think that U/G tron would be interesting and fun, try it out!
August 17, 2013 9:40 p.m.
There are tons of cards you can plug in going u/g but I think you lose the raw power u tron has. Try obvious choices in Ancient Stirrings and Sylvan Scrying like u mentioned. Also consider Urban Evolution and Explore
August 17, 2013 11:13 p.m.
My deck used to be U/G, it was basically R/G but just too slow. It can work, though. You have to have an assortment of creatures to hit like a few Wurmcoil Engine , 3 Eldrazi, and plenty of Oblivion Stone /All Is Dust , and then for the support some Remand , Repeal , Condescend , Sylvan Scrying , and Ancient Stirrings and you're on your way!
August 17, 2013 11:33 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #9
I already have I Fight For the Users! built in paper. Just wondering if a splash of G would work better. It may be worth some investigation.
August 18, 2013 12:30 a.m.
GureiSeion says... #10
Stating the obvious: A UG Tron benefits from having the missing "tron fixing" that RG Tron has.
I think it's worth exploring, solely based on the possibility of running more Spell Burst .
miracleHat says... #2
i think that vishnarg has a U/G tron deck, though i don't know how similar it is too yours.
August 17, 2013 8:48 p.m.