Captain Sisay Commander Deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 20, 2013, 12:20 p.m. by Alinoe

Need help with my current deck. Adjustments, better cards...

Krayhaft says... #2

Captain Sisay

Linking your decks helps people help you.

Captain Sisay decks are really good as goodstuff decks, where you just stuff the deck full of high quality cards. It's easy to just fill the deck up with the best legendary creatures available to you.

Also, keep in mind that her text wording allows you to search for any legendary card, not just legendary creatures. This way, you can easily make her into a Voltron-style commander, with equipments such as the Sword of Kaldra , Shield of Kaldra , Helm of Kaldra , Tatsumasa, the Dragon's Fang , Oathkeeper, Takeno's Daisho , and Umezawa's Jitte , as well as creatures to hold them, like Sigarda, Host of Herons .

October 20, 2013 2:36 p.m.

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