Cards like Mortis Strider and Reassembling Skeleton?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 31, 2013, 5:46 p.m. by HeroFallenVillain
Looking to build a deck around sacing creatures that can get themselves back onto the field/hand/library. So far I have Mortus Strider , Reassembling Skeleton , Gravecrawler , Nether Traitor & Bloodghast .
Is there anything else like that, that I'm missing? Thanx.
HeroFallenVillain says... #3
Yeah, except, I'm trying to keep it modern and I don't like that I'd have to sac a swamp for Akuta... Anything else? I feel like that might be about it...
October 31, 2013 6:02 p.m.
Tenacious Dead , Tymaret, the Murder King , Veilborn Ghoul , Grave-Shell Scarab , Squee, Goblin Nabob .
October 31, 2013 6:35 p.m.
HeroFallenVillain says... #5
Tenacious should work well. Veilborn and grave-shell are a bit expensive for my needs. I might splash a lil red and make it a Grixis deck for Tymaret and Squee.
The objective is to use these cards to kick, consuming aberration and undercity informer. As stated it's a modern dimir deck, possibly grixis. If I can get it zombie based enough, I'll use gravecrawler. I'm just worried adding other zombies that don't help the tactic will only hurt the deck.
October 31, 2013 6:54 p.m.
Are you using the idea i posted 2 days ago :P?
October 31, 2013 7:33 p.m.
HeroFallenVillain says... #8
@RaVaGeR_Z - No, I hadn't seen that one. I actually saw a sac deck last night and started making a version for me, then came across the idea of kicking Undercity Informer
with a sac, then Consuming Aberration
with recasting Mortus Strider
I just checked it out. They have a very similar effect. The core is practically the same, but we are bringing different approachs :P
I just got back home, so I'm going to try to throw together a rough draft of the deck.
October 31, 2013 8:49 p.m.
HeroFallenVillain says... #9
@Nick, Casual Strategist - That won't work to my understanding... Regenerated creatures don't go to the graveyard to kick Undercity Informer and aren't recasted to kick Consuming Aberration . Close though :P
October 31, 2013 8:53 p.m.
HeroFallenVillain says... #10
Here is the rough draft...
Regurgitated Evil
October 31, 2013 9:35 p.m.
Cuz I had a semi-sac deck that just wasn't working for me (I am a poor MTG player, so I don't have a ton of cards), meaning i still need about 14 cards to finish that deck :P
so i split the deck into half a cipher and half a sac-mill deck. Basically I have been doing this for 2 months already before i discovered this site :P
May i borrow some of your ideas for my deck too? :>
November 1, 2013 2:10 a.m.
HeroFallenVillain says... #12
@RaVaGeR_Z - I understand the pauper thing. I have spent much more than I should have on Magic :P
I have also been meaning to make a cipher/unblockable deck.
Sure I wouldn't mind at all. I would appreciate you citing me some cred though :) Depending on what exactly you're thinking to do. Maybe you could simply copy mine (leaving it set to based on mine would make me feel pretty cool lmao) and then make your changes :P Let me know if you'd like some suggestions :)
Krayhaft says... #2
Nether Spirit , Akuta, Born of Ash , Ashen Ghoul , Brood of Cockroaches . Stuff like this?
October 31, 2013 5:49 p.m.