Cards to Help fight G/w
Deck Help forum
Posted on Sept. 25, 2013, 2:08 a.m. by Basuldur
I recently started playing a G/B midrange deck The New Rock.
It's been playing superb against almost all match ups, however I can't seem to win even 1 game against the G/W matchup. I need cards that will help me fight this deck type.
Looking for MB and SB solutions to this problem. Comment on the deck please!
Glare of Heresy is looking to be a good sideboard choice to get rid of Voice of Resurgence without leaving a token, as well as getting rid of Detention Sphere if they've trapped your Desecration Demon . Finally, also hits Elspeth, Sun's Champion , and if they're running Rootborn Defenses then it won't matter.
September 25, 2013 11:13 a.m.
@hades5611 You are aware of the fact, that Glare of Heresy is white?
Putrefy says... #2
Remove Mind Rot from your mainboard. Add Read the Bones instead. It helps you a lot to dig for threats.
As for the sideboard: I've found Erebos, God of the Dead to be somewhat effective against lifegain g/w. Against g/w aggro I recommend Gaze of Granite and early removal for Experiment One , maybe Thoughtseize to make them discard Voice of Resurgence . In addition to this we have Lifebane Zombie . It's tough especially when they run Rootborn Defenses or Gods Willing , but with some good draws we should be able to pull ahead. I'd say the MU is 40/60 in their favor.
September 25, 2013 3:12 a.m.