cards to put in a Deathrite Shaman deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 10, 2013, 2:23 p.m. by patrickloyd

i want it to be a Green/Black Standard deck but i can't think of any cards that compliment the Deathrite Shaman let me know what you think would be good

Epochalyptik says... #2

Moved to Deck Help.

Deathrite Shaman is a support card. You're not supposed to build around it. Also, it's hard to tell you anything without seeing a decklist.

November 10, 2013 2:34 p.m.

patrickloyd says... #3

what is a support card?

November 10, 2013 2:37 p.m.

MollyMab says... #4

It isn't worth building around but it provides a lot of power to other cards. For example, a turn 2 Liliana of the Veil and then generates value out the discard.

November 10, 2013 2:39 p.m.

patrickloyd says... #5

so what is a card that should be built around?

November 10, 2013 2:41 p.m.

patrickloyd says... #6

so a card like chandra is a card i should build around

November 10, 2013 2:43 p.m.

MollyMab says... #7

A build around card can vary. Chandra is a value card but I suppose could be built around if you ran stuff like Pheonix or Spitfire.

What I tend to think of as a build around card is something like a card with unique abilities, such as Sydri, Galvanic Genius or Summoning Trap

November 10, 2013 3 p.m.

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