casual budget wolf run ramp- possible?
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 15, 2012, 8:08 p.m. by ethomas42
Being a casual, budgeted, and non format-restricted magic player, and enjoying the look of the Wolf Run Ramp decks popping up, I wanted to try to put together one for myself. Many cards in the deck, such as Inkmoth Nexus , Inferno Titan , Green Sun's Zenith , and of course Primeval Titan , can be very costly.
Most of these cards can be replaced to some effect, but Primeval Titan is really the powerhouse of the deck. Getting a 6/6 with trample, and 2 extra lands per turn for 6 mana is basically impossible to replace.
I've been trying to get around some of this. Here's what I've got so far: deck:budget-wolf-run-ramp
Druidic Satchel and Centaur Rootcaster help get some of the ramp back from the Primeval Titan . Pumping a Centaur Rootcaster with Kessig Wolf Run can get you quite a bit of lands, and you can usually get him out early enough with the ramp so that his small rear end matters less.
The big bodies are found in Ancient Hellkite and Aurochs Herd . Ancient Hellkite is a nice big flyer, so often the fact that wolf run gives him trample doesn't matter. He can also help take out some of their big threats, and clear the way even more. Aurochs Herd is a nice deck thinner, and they pump themselves up too.
Rolling Thunder is a nice replacement for the Slagstorm s for cheaper, and provides nice versatility.
Any suggestions for some cheap, easy to get cards that would help this deck run faster/smoother?