Casual Insanity
Deck Help forum
Posted on April 4, 2013, 11:10 a.m. by MindAblaze
I'm working on a Multiplayer Storm deck that actually wins by putting Curiosity on Guttersnipe and drawing a crapload of cards...
I just put a singleton Laboratory Maniac
in because a few times in playtesting I've decked myself by turn 6 or 7.
Any suggestions for improvements to make it run smoother...I wish I could run Dark Ritual without feeilng bad.
MindAblaze says... #3
That is the deck, my bad I forgot to link it.
I think Gitaxian Probe is a good idea. It's meant for a fairly casual multiplayer environment, so I don't want to get too degenerate, hence only a small amount of mana-accel. But it might be a good idea to squeeze some more in, especially if I'm going to drop a couple land.
I run Niv-Mizzet, the Firemind for the combo with Curiosity and I've replaced Call to Mind with Snapcaster Mage since it's not exactly a storm or a Pyromancer Ascension build, but it kind of plays like both. The nice thing about snappy is I can rebuy that lightning bolt for 3 mana when I need it, or six damage if I have the Ascension online...what do you think though? You don't like Goblin Electromancer ?
Between Faithless Looting
and Izzet Charm
I throw lots of cards in the graveyard besides what I'm actually playing.
April 4, 2013 12:51 p.m.
mtg_deckmaster says... #4
Well, I mean these suggestions are just what I would do if this were my deck, so the final choice is entirely up to you.
Gitaxian Probe is in there just for the card draw. If you are playing a Storm-type deck, you just want free card draw. Snapcaster Mage is fine, but for your deck, I wouldn't run too many. I actually don't like Goblin Electromancer because it is a dead draw. If you draw that in the middle of a combo, most of the time you would have wanted a Lightning Bolt or a Guttersnipe more. Have you considered Wee Dragonauts or Gelectrode ? Those are so goofy in casual decks like yours.
I would still recommend running Past in Flames . It doubles your spells if you don't draw the mage. Even though you're not running full-on Storm, you should run a few more mana sources. It just gives you the little extra boost you need, plus it helps the snipe out too.
April 5, 2013 6:41 p.m.
MindAblaze says... #5
Fair, I'll look for a couple copies of Past in Flames and see what I can scrape up for mana flare cards. Maybe splash black for Dark Ritual ? Lol
April 5, 2013 10:52 p.m.
Braid of Fire will ensure hilarity. So long as you don't play with mana burn.
mtg_deckmaster says... #2
Is the deck Curious, Maniacal, Psychotic...Goblins? If so, then I think you're running way too many creatures. Storm at most runs 4 creatures. For your build, the 1x Laboratory Maniac and the 3x Guttersnipe are fine, but I'd cut the rest. Also, 21 lands is too much as well. At most you want to run 12-16. Pyromancer Ascension is good, maybe want to run a full playset. You also want to run Past in Flames . That card is sooo good for Storm. It makes the Guttersnipe combo twice as good. I think it needs more mana accel, Lotus Petal , Seething Song and Rite of Flame would be nice. Also, maybe Gitaxian Probe ? That's just my opinion. The Guttersnipe + Curiosity combo is an awesome one. +1
April 4, 2013 12:03 p.m.