Challenge! Stardard constructed + Commander deck! Orzhov
Deck Help forum
Posted on July 24, 2013, 8:21 p.m. by Kodiac
Do you think it's possible to make a decj that is both a commander deck and a stadard constructed 60 cards deck?
Also what cards would you remove from this, and more importantly, what commander would you choose for this?
You can make an EDH deck with standard format restrictions, but it would always get creamed by a decently built standard deck (provided they have decent luck). Though in the past (during a Slaughter Games like cards filled meta) some people have played singleton decks to surprising success, but only because the overall powerlevel of cards in the format was extremely high, aggro decks were almost non existent, and opponents would often sideboard entirely wrong which would lead to easy wins.
Unfortunately this standard's overall speed is too high to try such a deck.
Schuesseled says... #2
Commander decks have to be 100 cards
for starters, secondly a singleton deck in standard will get crushed.
July 24, 2013 8:38 p.m.