Chandra and Friends play testing decks
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 28, 2013, 8:27 p.m. by rakdosrunner
Here's my deck
Chandra and Friends! (5th at State)
play test it, check it out, comment, or +1 tell me what you think and let me know how the play tests went if you did.
Otherwise leave your deck and +1 mine and I'll play test your deck and leave results and information on your deck.
natemacfad says... #3
Hey! I'll check out your deck right now. Here's mine though
October 28, 2013 9:51 p.m.
rakdosrunner says... #4
flyguy I literally had a play set and was going to replace Doomblade with them, but then someone offered me a good deal on cards so i traded them. To bad it was when they were going for 5 dollars each especially since I sold my foil for 10 dollars. :(
Im still mad i messed that one up.
October 28, 2013 10:17 p.m.
well, i don't have a deck, but i do have a deck that i would want to see played so with kyuuri117's permission, i offer
deck-large:the name's agent, fate's agent
October 29, 2013 12:19 a.m.
rakdosrunner says... #6
tempest I do very minimal feedback on decks, you wouldn't actually hear any game play besides strong cards and weak ones. It is mostly for the learning of the deck owner so they may better see what cards do or don't work against my deck type.
October 29, 2013 12:23 a.m.
rakdosrunner I did play my deck against your's when it was splashed blue and I got my ass handed to me each and every single time. Your guys did half my damage, and my shocklands, thoughtseize and boon of erebos did the rest. I've revamped my deck to just be green/black, and it's running so much smoother now. I would love for you to retest the deck if you want to, as your deck is definitely the most competitive aggro deck i've found on this site in awhile. Here's a link to my deck again The Name's Agent, Fate's Agent.. Gonna do some play testing against your deck myself. Thanks man.
October 29, 2013 7:20 p.m.
rakdosrunner says... #9
Oh spit lol ok Agent usually wrecks me but i'll give it a go. I'll do it later tonight I have an exam in twenty so I'll let you know how it goes man!
flyguy says... #2
Your deck looks awesome. Obviously you don't need to change anything. Only concern is no Hero's Downfall ?
Anyways, looks great. Do you mind looking at my newest experimental build, So much scry's gonna make you cry
October 28, 2013 9:44 p.m.