Chandra, Pyromaster in Rakdos Control

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 12, 2014, 1:22 p.m. by Regulus1010

So I posted my deck here yesterday but this specific point is still something I'm wavering on and was hoping for some more feedback from the community. Every successful Rakdos Control list I've researched uses 1-2 Chandra, Pyromaster and I'm struggling with getting her back in my deck (other than the fact that I only currently own 1).

First, here's my deck (please comment and +1!):

Rakdos Sinister Control Playtest

Standard Regulus1010

SCORE: 15 | 37 COMMENTS | 1773 VIEWS

Here's my problem:

I've found Chandra, Pyromaster to underperform in my deck other than 1 damage per turn, which is good in its own way, I suppose. I do love that her +1 is very often a "Kill target Lifebane Zombie / Elvish Mystic " since my meta loves mono black and RG Monsters, but her 0 is something I didn't use as much as I would've liked when I tried her out. She was originally there for extra card draw but I quickly realized that she's only good in this deck if I need removal, since that's aImost 50% of the deck, but if I don't need that at the time, it's a wasted spell that goes into exile that could've gone safely into my hand for later use. For example, drawing Anger of the Gods when I have a creature that needs a Doom Blade / Hero's Downfall . I just find she backfires too often but everyone seems to love her in this deck.

Is the "free" draw she provides really so worth it that I need to make room for her, because she'll help me filter my library and get to my win-cons faster? Is exiling a useless card off the top of my library just great regardless? I'm undecided.

Please help!

meecht says... #2

Her strength comes from the free repeated card "draw." When she's out, you dig 2 cards deep each turn (draw step + exile)

On T5, you would need 5-6 mana to cast a draw spell to find an answer AND be able to cast it. On the other hand, you can +0 Chandra, Pyromaster , exile a card, and just pay the cost to cast the spell.

It's not ideal, but it's pretty much the best "draw engine" you can get in those colors right now.

March 12, 2014 1:48 p.m.

Regulus1010 says... #3

Thanks, meecht. This is pretty much what I had figured, and I suppose the extra draw in a control deck can't be a bad thing, even if, as you say, it's not perfect. Any suggestions on what to take out to squeeze a copy of her in? I'm already running 61 cards (which I'm fine with, honestly), but 62 is not good.

March 12, 2014 1:57 p.m.

Regulus1010 says... #4

I'm thinking 1x Lightning Strike . Doesn't imbalance my curve badly as would removing a black card, and I'm not losing out completely on direct damage.

March 12, 2014 2:11 p.m.

meecht says... #5

As a control deck, you don't really need to worry about your curve. Your plan will be to control the board until you can drop a threat, not curve out to win.

March 12, 2014 2:20 p.m.

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