"Cheap" Yet Strong ?

Deck Help forum

Posted on July 1, 2013, 3:31 p.m. by XPostalServiceX

Im looking to create or even netdeck if i have to, a deck for standard that is viable and strong but doesn't cost 400$+. I have a couple ideas, G/R creature ramp, but the key cards make it tip over 300$. I checked out a Bant deck but it was over 500$!!. my ideal ranged is somewhere between 150-250$, im not asking for you do make me the deck yourself, just to point me in the right direction.

thyhax says... #2

Are you looking for something viable post-rotation? And what type of deck are you looking at - primarily aggro, control, tempo?

July 1, 2013 3:41 p.m.

anything really, i do prefer aggro but whatever will hold up with the rotation.

July 1, 2013 3:49 p.m.

thyhax says... #4

Well, check lands will most likely not be reprinted... So those might rotate. (A check land is something like Sunpetal Grove or Woodland Cemetery )

Otherwise, you could play Red-based aggro. Jund is strong right now, but most of the midrange Jund staples would rotate. Rakdos aggro hasn't been posting a lot of T1 results, but is pretty much all from the RTR block, and might be a viable archetype post rotation. Gruul aggro could work, although some powerhouses will rotate. Boros aggro isn't T1 either, but is less rotation-friendly depending on your list.

As far as control goes, there are a few T1 decks that won't be nearly as affected come Theros. The one I'm thinking of is Esper Control. Yes, some cards will rotate, but not the key cards to the deck.

TL;DR - Esper Control or Rakdos Aggro, IMO.

July 1, 2013 4 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #5

to make this within your budget you need a mono or duo color deck a tricolor deck will cost to much from the lands alone. R/W aggro sees play sometimes but Boros Reckoner will run up the cost if you choose R/G aggro your looking at Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip and Domri Rade but for both of those decks your also looking at Thundermaw Hellkite sorry to say but any competitive deck that is teir 1.5 or higher is going to run you past your budget you will have to look at potentially making teir 2 and see how it does in your local meta.

July 1, 2013 4:21 p.m.

springerzach says... #6

Maze's End lol. its pretty fun to play, it may not be tier one but it is actually really good

July 1, 2013 4:29 p.m.

Krayhaft says... #7

Maze's End turbofog can actually do very well if the meta is unprepared for it.

If you want to do something like gruul aggro you're most likely going to need to run Boros Reckoner , which will drive up the price.

Unfortunately you'll need the best cards to win reliably, and you'll inevitably have to spend money.

July 1, 2013 4:50 p.m.

Druaself says... #8

This is something I made that fits that price range.I have a lot of fun playing it.Evil Dead Ver2

July 1, 2013 5:24 p.m.

Goody says... #9

RG aggro is pretty nice atm, you don't need to spend too much money on it either. Experiment One , Burning-Tree Emissary , Stromkirk Noble , etc. Take a look at All Up in Your Gruul for ideas; the more expensive cards (Boros Reckoner , Hellrider , Stomping Ground ) can be replaced, but I would recommend getting all the dual lands you possibly can, as the mana base HAS to be consistent in order for the deck to perform well.

July 1, 2013 6:25 p.m.

Sorry for late reply, i just got home. For budget wise i can spare going to 300$ but anything more wont be worth it unless its 100% going to work, which wouldn't be fun. I do want to build a G/B deck but i never thought it would be powerful enough, if you guys think it would work i could definitely do that, i already have most of the cards and dual lands for a G/R. The other deck idea ive been looking into was the top 8 deck on this site, http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/golgari-hasty-v4/ it seems very fun and its just under 300$ because i own some of the cards in the deck. @Thyhax : Could you link me an esper control deck? im interesting in seeing one of those decks.

July 1, 2013 8:23 p.m.

thyhax says... #11

Um... There are a few on the site (note, I do not own these deck lists) That's the Esper Contol we all Know and Love, Esper Control, also this has some Esper control decks from the past MTGO and large paper tournaments, their ranking and decklist. You could also Google Esper control lists. "Esperling" was fairly popular around PTDGM.

July 1, 2013 8:54 p.m.

thyhax says... #12

Although, in all seriousness, play what's fun for you. Magic is about having fun.

July 1, 2013 8:55 p.m.

thanks i will go check them out, and i play draft and edh for fun. Standard i feel is too competitive, so why not win.

July 1, 2013 9:05 p.m.

KingSorin says... #14

Bant auras. Minus Geist of Saint Traft and reducing your shockland/ISD/M13 dual consumption, you could make a bant auras deck that's quite cheap. Apart from geists/lands, that you may be able to get 1 or 2 of anyway considering your budget, the most expensive card would probably be Rancor or Invisible Stalker .

July 1, 2013 9:12 p.m.

i have actually looked into a bant auras deck, this is my version of it http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/bant-01-07-13-1/ I would love to use the bant auras but it is too expensive, if you could remove anything from the deck then let me know.

July 1, 2013 9:34 p.m.

thyhax says... #16

Hey, links can be made using this syntax: text ie, [bant]'(http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/bant-01-07-13-1) without the apostrophe becomes bant

July 1, 2013 9:46 p.m.

thyhax says... #17

Sorry, [link text]'(URL), just take out the apostrophe

July 1, 2013 9:46 p.m.

wow thank you, so i have narrowed it down to three decks. bant which is 400$. Golgari Hasty v4 which is 280$. Or Gruul which is the cheapest at 150$. Whatever you all think will do best in standard and will also hold up with rotation i will choose, though i would rather not pick the bant deck because 400$ is quite a chunk of change.

July 1, 2013 9:54 p.m.

thyhax says... #19

Gruul IMO. Gruul aggro has consistently been posting T1 results in MTGO dailies and large paper tourneys, added to that its cheaper makes it a solid option. Although looking at your decklist, some changes could be made.

July 1, 2013 10:10 p.m.

Sure! what would you add or remove? feel free to make any amount of changes, I only put that one together today off of cards i thought would belong in a G/R deck.

July 1, 2013 10:14 p.m.

thyhax says... #21

I would drop 1-2 lands, and go up to 4 of the Flinthoof Boar and Burning-Tree Emissary . Also, drop Thragtusk for Madcap Skills . Consider Domri Rade instead of Zhur-Taa Druid , and drop Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip (if you are on a really tight budget, otherwise he's okay) for more Ghor-Clan Rampager , Hellrider , and 1 more Savageborn Hydra .

July 1, 2013 10:31 p.m.

Gruul Made the changes, but i dont understand, i thought swagtusk and huntmaster were good cards for G/R? I was even thinking of adding in kessig wolf run.

July 1, 2013 10:55 p.m.

thyhax says... #23

Well, they are. But not in this particular archetype. Gruul aggro beats your face in before those guys have a chance to come out. They are really just win-more cards- cards that, by the time they are useful, you've already won the game. Also, Kessig Wolf Run is a great land, mind you, but it's hard to use, as you almost always need color mana.

July 1, 2013 11:28 p.m.

so you think Gruul will do better than Golgari Hasty v4 ? And aside for that, i really appreciate your help with this Thyhax and everyone else who commented, no matter what deck i decide to build, i couldn't have done it without you guys.

July 2, 2013 12:28 a.m.

thyhax says... #25

Well, it all really boils down to personal preference.

July 2, 2013 12:48 a.m.

If your still looking for a bant aura deck maybe see my page ill havethe deck posted later today around 5 or 6. Got a combo that will blow your opponents mind.

March 12, 2014 8:51 a.m.

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