Choose My State Championship Deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on May 9, 2013, 4:19 p.m. by kreijosh

I am indecisive and trying to decide which of the two decks to play at states. please view and either up vote or comment on which you think is better. This will help me immensely and I thank all who participate. Suggestions are always welcome as well. The choices!! BR Aggro and DGM Naya Blitz POTENTIAL FOR STATES PLEASE HELP Thanks again!!

pokeyrabbit says... #2

cut the 2 Blood Scrivener for 2 hellrider and after that i think the red black aggro deck is the best maybe some thundermaw hellkite as a finisher. go with br aggro

May 9, 2013 7:31 p.m.

kreijosh says... #3

I have noticed in tested that he really only helps in getting Gravecrawler back. I just worry about my curve with Hellrider though it does close games very well. I'll definitely test it. Thanks for your advice!!

May 9, 2013 8:09 p.m.

pokeyrabbit says... #4

i don't think you will have to worry about curve because you want that 4 drop and hellrider can be very game ending. also why are the 2x Immortal Servitude and 2x Master of Cruelties in the side board?

May 9, 2013 9:32 p.m.

mmdw34 says... #5

No more Naya Blitz please ...... that deck got annoying really fast because everyone net decks the best and newest thing....

May 9, 2013 11:30 p.m.

kreijosh says... #6

2x Immortal Servitude for supreme verdict decks. The curve is so low and guy intensive I can just follow up a supreme verdict with bringing back my whole board. If there is a spike jester or two in there or better yet messengers, it really punishes them for trying to wrath. Master of cruelties for any deck with a low creature count or weenie decks. first strike deathtouch stops that strategy and can easily threaten lethal. If you have any suggestions for something better in that slot I am more than willing to listen and test them out. I want this to be as flawless as possible.

May 10, 2013 1:40 a.m.

kreijosh says... #7

mmdw34 I think no to naya blitz not because it is popular (though I hope you feel this way more towards Jund and Reanimator because those are the real Goliath's right now) but because it lacks resiliency especially in comparison to the BR deck.

May 10, 2013 1:45 a.m.

pokeyrabbit says... #8

i see the Immortal Servitude now but i am still not liking the Master of cruelties because he has to hit in and i feel that control has to many ways to deal with it, counter spells, unsummon so it can counter it, detention sphere, thragtusk. you could try 1 more Slaughter Games to pick apart the control match up and 1 more searing spear so you always have one. are you going to try and make thundermaw hellkite apart of your mainboard? if so what are you going to cut

May 10, 2013 6:30 a.m.

pokeyrabbit says... #9

and side out one knight of infamy just in-case he isn't relevant in the match.

May 10, 2013 6:33 a.m.

kreijosh says... #10

The knight of infamy is a positive sac for Aristocrat and I look to the aristocrat to close games the same way a thundermaw hellkite would just cheaper on the curve. I like +1 slaughtergames in the board but I don't feel like I would board a spear in ever. What can hit both Artifacts and Enchantments in RB? I just worry about an assemble the legion causing issues giving an infinite number of blockers. I thought about Rakdos charm as it also helps against reanimator but it will only hit Artifacts.

May 10, 2013 3:46 p.m.

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