Combo Help
Deck Help forum
Posted on Aug. 7, 2012, 7:25 p.m. by atreyujames
i want to try making a standard combo deck for some lols. the combo is Drogskol Reaver +Exquisite Blood +Psychosis Crawler . i was thinking of throwing in alot of lifegain such as Arctic Aven , Rhox Faithmender , Blood Artist and disciple-of-grislebrand. any cards or help u give would be appreciated
PasorofMuppets says... #5
You're sorta limited to the p/t of Psychosis Crawler since there's normally a maximum hand-size. Assuming you're just doing Esper, you can probably fit it in as a 1-of, since I imagine beating with Psychosis Crawler isn't your main wincon in any way.
August 7, 2012 7:59 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #6
The problem is that your combo pieces are extremely expensive to cast, each costing at least 5. You'll need some serious ramp if you want to get the cards out with any kind of speed.
August 7, 2012 7:59 p.m.
atreyujames says... #7
TheHorse: im not so concerned with how big the crawler is because its really his 2nd ability I want
Epochalyptik: would Sphere of the Suns and Pristine Talisman do it?
August 7, 2012 8:05 p.m.
If your in Blue, White & Black, I would suggest Grand Architect , Early Blue Drops to ramp with, and Trinket Mage to fetch your Elixir of Immortality . (You might be needing this to prevent Decking yourself out, and also a helpful kickstart to killing your opponent!)
This also will help you to use Quicksilver Amulet to drop Drogskol Reaver early. And you can power out Solemn Simulacrum to fix your mana as well. Sphere of the Suns will help as well.
Any blue creatures with Big asses that can hold off attacks could be useful for early drops... Fog Bank , Kraken Hatchling , Phantasmal Image could be options.
Hope this gives some food for thought on a deck idea.
August 7, 2012 8:37 p.m.
Check out Grand Loss for an idea incorporating the combo you are wanting to play around with.
August 7, 2012 8:56 p.m.
kingofthemyrdrazi says... #10
If you are running esper and Quicksilver Amulet for Drogskol Reaver you may want to consider Griselbrand to draw more. Also run 4 Artful Dodge to let Drogskol Reaver and Griselbrand through. Gold Myr , Silver Myr , and Leaden Myr would work well with Grand Architect and Sphere of the Suns . But if you go that heavy with artifacts run 4 Mox Opal this could give you 2nd turn Psychosis Crawler (through 4 Mox Opal first turn and Quicksilver Amulet 1st turn) 3rd turn Griselbrand or any other large creature you want. To pull this off I'd also say run Index and Ponder for top deck control.
Best result:1st turn: Island, 4 Mox Opal (tap all four because you are metalcrafting) to play Quicksilver Amulet note: 1 card in hand (Artful Dodge )
2nd turn: (draw Griselbrand ) tap all Mox Opal and activate Quicksilver Amulet to play Griselbrand note: 1 card in hand (Artful Dodge )
3rd turn (Draw Psychosis Crawler ) play it same as Griselbrand tap island for Artful Dodge on Griselbrand (Life Total now 27) pay 21 life, draw 21 cards, deal 21 damage = good game (maybe)
August 7, 2012 9:24 p.m.
The Big problem with that kingofthemyrdrazi is that Mox Opal is a LEGENDARY artifact and playing the second one will kill the 2 without being able to tap for mana... If you could play them all at the same time, I'd think the card's value would be insane.
August 7, 2012 9:29 p.m.
kingofthemyrdrazi says... #12
@cardcoin: Oh crap, totally overlooked that, my bad. Ok but It is still worth running IF atreyujames decides to go artifact heavy.
August 7, 2012 9:53 p.m.
Griselbrand is a nice alternative to Drogskol Reaver and I suppose he could go the whole Re-animation route with that, but my deck suggestion is just a suggestion of what he could do. :)
August 7, 2012 9:59 p.m.
kingofthemyrdrazi says... #14
first turn: 3 Memnite and Mox Opal (tap) play and tap Island Deranged Assistant . cards in hand: Quicksilver Amulet
second turn: Draw Swamp. Play swamp
thrid turn: Draw and play Quicksilver Amulet
fourth turn: Draw Griselbrand and play using Quicksilver Amulet
fith turn: (Draw Psychosis Crawler) play it same as Griselbrand . Attack with Griselbrand (Life Total now 27 if unblocked) pay 21 life, draw 21 cards, deal 21 damage = good game (maybe)
August 7, 2012 10:10 p.m.
kingofthemyrdrazi says... #15
Well my suggestion was actually based off of yours. Hopefully he/she is able to put all of our ideas together including what he has already and creates a great deck :D
August 7, 2012 10:13 p.m.
atreyujames says... #16
lol im a he, and all of your help has been great, im gonna be working on this and ive figured out that an artifact ramp style will benefit the deck more than lifegain. some ramp artefacts im going to include are gilded lotus, sphere of the suns and quicksilver amulet, all tied together with grand architect. some defensive creatures like fog bank are definitely going in. I should have the list in a couple of days
August 7, 2012 10:35 p.m.
kingofthemyrdrazi says... #17
Look forward to it, and glad I could help :)
August 7, 2012 10:41 p.m.
kingofthemyrdrazi says... #18
Could any of you possibly help me with my Maralen of the Mornsong EDH? Here's a link Maralen of the Mornsong EDH
August 7, 2012 10:47 p.m.
Not sure if you planned on hitting black in the color scheme, but I'm doing some pretty crazy things with Disciple of Bolas , and I anticipate it making an appearance in more decks soon. With blink abilities being abundant, and the heavy amount of recursion, there is no reason that you can't draw close to half your remaining library and gain an equal amount of life. I think its basically the only way to keep up with the amount of life an evasion that comes with the Restoration Angel Thragtusk blink BS.
I have been trying mono black, B/R, and B/G to try using new lily which is kinda hard lol, but Disciple of Bolas is pretty nuts because you swing, and second main phase you draw 6 cards and gain 6 life off a Wurmcoil Engine . Thats without counting the life gain from attacking, and if you have multiple instances of Rhox Faithmender , you're looking at a serious amount of life gain. The way standard sits right now, its aggro heavy and with the cheap, non conditional kill spells rotating out, control is going to rely on which deck runs out of steam first.
I've come to really like Demonlord of Ashmouth turn 4, then tun 5 playing a Disciple of Bolas sacrificing the Demonlord of Ashmouth which then give you a welcome target for his usually lack-luster ETB ability of forcing you to sacrifice a creature. But the way I figure it, you're not relying on Disciple of Bolas to win you the game, your looking to have something midrange that replaces your 5/4 flyer with a 6/5 flyer while netting you 5 cards in hand and 5 life...THATS UNHEARD OF!!!!! it even lets off with an untapped mana, whether you have it in hand, or draw into it from the 5 you drew off the top, but it makes for a nice follow up Tragic Slip if you ask me. I find it comforting that I am hitting turn 5 with 30 life and 9 cards in hand and tell you, ok, make your move swing overhead with Demonlord of Ashmouth and if they have a heavy aggro board presence----Mutilate ----and the DEMON LIVES!!!! because you have 4 swamps in play and one Reliquary Tower !!! huge plays.
August 7, 2012 10:49 p.m.
atreyujames says... #20
lol i love the disciple too. hes the star of my deck:five-card-draw deck. check it out some time
August 7, 2012 10:59 p.m.
Demonlord of Ashmouth + Torpor Orb I hear is somewhat fun... Means you won't be losing your Disciple of Bolas when it Re-enters the Battlefield, and don't rely on another creature being around. to get it into play in the first instance.
If your mono-black, surely you are using Lashwrithe as well? I hear it works well with Vampire Nighthawk these days :)
August 8, 2012 12:29 a.m.
@cardcoin while it happens to be the case that I wont lose it, there is 100% chance if I am main-decking Torpor Orb I will not be playing Disciple of Bolas because then he is just a 2/1 human for 4 mana lol. I also take advantage of Vile Rebirth so if they try and use burn or spot removal on the first instance I sac a token made off one of their dead creatures or one I removed from their hand.
August 8, 2012 1:16 a.m.
kingofthemyrdrazi says... #23
deck:no-budget-standard Is my version of this deck. Hope everyone likes it and comments are welcome :)
August 9, 2012 12:11 a.m.
well its safe to say that if I have Torpor Orb in play, I won't be Disciple of Bolas at all because he simply will have no use. his draw ability if an ETB ability so if Torpor Orb is out hes a 2/1 human for 4 mana...pretty terrible lol
August 9, 2012 3:14 p.m.
sry i didnt realize there was a second page already haha, i was like where did my post go??????????
atreyujames says... #2
Disciple of Griselbrand
August 7, 2012 7:26 p.m.