Come take a look at my vagina mouth.. aka Corpsejack Menace

Deck Help forum

Posted on Nov. 13, 2013, 6:10 p.m. by abenz419

I would appreciate it if some people could take a look at my deck and tell me what you think. I've been play testing it on cockatrice with mixed results. It's been tough to determine what's causing the inconsistency though. There are some games where I draw all creatures and none of the removal to either clear a path or eliminate big threats. There are some games where I seem to get all my removal spells and almost no creatures and never get my board presence set up to take advantage of all the things I can do. I don't know if it's a product of using cockatrice to test the deck or if it's the deck itself. So if you think you have any useful suggestions then feel free, advise is always welcome.

deck chart scavenging through the graveyard

Standard abenz419 Playtest

abenz419 says... #2

I've had a lot of suggestions for adding in Polukranos, World Eater or Desecration Demon but I just don't know how to fit it in with the everything else. They're both 4 drops right with Corpsejack Menace and I'd say they're both better than the menace, but the menace has more synergies with the rest of the cards because of it's double the counters ability. If anyone has any ideas on how to fit either of them in without changing the overall theme/synergy of the deck I'm really open to any suggestions.

November 13, 2013 7:28 p.m.

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