Coming back to MTG

Deck Help forum

Posted on Jan. 2, 2014, 12:37 a.m. by Dosamwolfso

Hello guys, just found this site and looks like it has a disgusting amount of people who know too much about MTG so I feel this is the best place to askan question about the game. Which is why I am here, i am coming back to magic to play with friends and maybe participate in a few tournaments. For now I want to stick with standard format. I was looking at some decks on here but they require more funds then I am willing to spend. I would be happy with a preconstructed deck or an event deck. I thought Selesnya Surge,Gruul Goliaths,Psychic Labyrinth,Bestial Strength and Devotion to Darkness. I know the general idea of all the decks but dont have the insight to know which would be somewhat decent in competitive. If you guys can make an argument why one is better then the other im all ears.Feel free to also suggest what cards to add to the deck because i will definitely build off one of these decks after purchasing. Thnak you if you answer.

MagnusMTG says... #2

Really depends on your play style. Which colors do you like normally, and do you prefer Aggro, Midrange, Control?

Devotion to Darkness has a lot of good cards that are seeing competitive play, but so is Selesnya Surge and Psychic Labyrinth.

Investigate your local meta, decide what colors/style you want to play and buy two intro decks that match that. I say two because any good cards it has, you'll want more than one.

After that, if you really want to get into the Standard scene, get a Fat Pack each of Return to Ravnica, M14, and Theros, then do Booster Drafts at FNM. Trade off any cards you pull from packs that don't match your colors/style and you'll very soon have a collection of Standard-legal cards with which to make a (possibly*) solid competitive deck.

(*) Depends on your luck opening boosters and your trading savvy.

Welcome back to the Planes!

January 2, 2014 12:44 a.m.

Slycne says... #3

Well the intro decks and event decks serve two different purposes.

Intro decks are introduction into magic in general. They are designed to be as simple as possible for brand new players to teach them the game. They won't be competitive besides playing with friends. Event decks are preconstructed decks, including sideboard, that are designed to be introductions into competitive play. They often include more rares and dual lands, but they are going to be pretty under-powered and inconsistent compared to decks constructed from the ground up. What they can be however is a nice groundwork that you can build upon, making sure to acquire playsets of the best cards and weeding out the chaff.

January 2, 2014 10:24 a.m.

harrydemon117 says... #4

Depends on what you mean by "competitive". If you mean being able to go to an FNM and have an ok chance of making a top 8 then you can get away with this by purchasing a couple of the same one as mentioned above and taking the "good" or "bomb" cards out of one and inserting them into the other to replace the "not so good" cards of the deck.

If you're talking about something that will stand up to the "top tier 1 decks" of standard right now then you will have to invest money to obtain the cards (there's a reason why certain cards get so expensive).

Right now, monored and aggro decks seem to have a lower cost overall than the Monoblack/Monoblue/Esper decks that have been taking over standard lately.

January 2, 2014 10:57 a.m.

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