Completely New To Modern!

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 3, 2013, 2:07 a.m. by Champloo


Whole Lotta Green

Is my very first Modern deck, I have almost no idea how to build modern so that's what I came up with. If anyone has any suggestions or tips for modern that would be much appreciated!

Thanks guys!

Welcome to Modern. I think, however, that you'll find that a deck like mono-green, lacking removal, discard, or countermagic, or a way to win turn 3-4, will have problems against combo decks like Scapeshift, Pod, Splinter Twin, etc.

There are three main options for budget-friendly, competitive decks:

Mono-Red burn. Running cards like Goblin Guide , Grim Lavamancer , Lightning Bolt , Lava Spike etc. The deck is good but suffers without fetchlands to power up Lavamancer/Searing Blaze .

Mono-White Soul Sisters. Running Serra Ascendant , Martyr of Sands , Soul's Attendant , Honor of the Pure , Spectral Procession , etc. A lifegain/white weenie deck.

Mono-Blue tron. Running the Urza lands cycle (Urza's Tower, Mine, and Power Plant), as well as Expedition Map to find them, Repeal , Remand , and Condescend to protect them, and Treasure Mage to find a variety of finishers: Wurmcoil Engine , Sundering Titan , Platinum Angel , Mindslaver + Academy Ruins . A very fun, very powerful deck and my pick for best budget deck. It is also much cheaper than the other two decks (other than the fact that Remand costs a ridiculous $15, but these are replacable by Mana Leak s).

August 3, 2013 6:05 p.m.

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