Considering Brimaz for my deck, pros and cons?
Deck Help forum
Posted on March 6, 2014, 5:39 a.m. by DodgeNDive
Hi all, I am considering Brimaz for my deck What if There's a Deck With No Bad Match Up?, but I have not seen him in action first hand... (strange, right?)
Currently, I'm considering him to replace either a couple of Fiendslayer Paladin or Loxodon Smiter .
Against non-control deck, I think I can feel fair to replace Smiter for Brimaz. However, if Brimaz is actually good against control for reasons I have not seen, please point it out as it would make the decision easier :)
Basically, I just want some help to consider the pros and cons of Brimaz, King of Oreskos from people who have actually played / played against him in different match ups.
Thank you so much in advance!
I don't think Brimaz is very well positioned right now. He dies to every removal (not Bile Blight right now (Smiter cannot be hit with Ultimate Price , Paladin dodges every spot-removal besides Rapid Hybridization ). If you want to include him run a mix of all 3.
Brimaz works better in a deck with Precinct Captain and Spear of Heliod . This is where the tokens begin to matter. The thing with Brimaz against control is, that you don't need a 2nd threat, as he can take over games by himself (especially with a Spear).
Speaking from Jund-Monsters (my) point of view: I don't care wether you drop Brimaz, Smiter or Paladin. My monsters are bigger than your guys. But I'd rather see you drop a Brimaz over a Smiter, as I can kill the Cat with Ultimate Price .
March 6, 2014 5:55 a.m.
DodgeNDive says... #4
I will be honest, my impressions on him (without seeing him in play) isn't very strong, because of the reasons you guys mentioned - he's much more prone to removal and there's a tonne of removals running around standard. But I wanted to make sure in case it's one of those that you need to see to believe it works.
I think Putrefy is right that if I really want to include him, I should have a mix of the three (by the way, your name is really difficult to link to, it keeps coming up as the card Putrefy lol)
I guess my deck won't be able to run him to his full potential, and all he will be is a value angry guy on the board who is prone to removals.
Thank you guys for the feedback.
March 6, 2014 6:08 a.m.
He works in creature decks. He demands an awnser and even if he dies it's a spot removal that wont hit another of your creatures. And if your opponent dosent have removal he will run away with tokens and damage fast.
I think people expect him to take over and win the game by himself like blood baron or pack rat can. The power of the cat king lies in his ability to make your overall deck better, and that he dose very well.
March 6, 2014 6:18 a.m.
Until Ravnica rotates out, Brimaz is a huge let down and nearly unplayable.
March 6, 2014 7:35 a.m.
In your style of deck i don't think Brimaz, King of Oreskos will be able to do what you want him to but he does work very well with any deck that hopes to triger Ephara, God of the Polis as often as possible
March 6, 2014 7:46 a.m.
I think brimaz is interesting. You can tell he is a pushed rare. But right now in a removal heavy meta he can not carry a deck. Right now a lot of people are trying to use him as a insta include in mono white decks, and he's not that. If you have a deck based around tokens, and with numerous ways to protect things from removal he may be a good option. In your deck I don't believe he's a good option. Because for him to be worthwhile you'd have to at least bring in 4x Gods Willing . Which would be pointless since you wouldn't have to use the god's willing on anything else in the deck.
March 6, 2014 9:12 a.m.
DodgeNDive says... #9
Thank you everyone for the feedback, in that case I think I will hold back from throwing a Brimaz into my deck
March 6, 2014 10:37 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #10
I run him in G/W Midrange and so far he hasn't done what I want him to. In fact soon as my deck rotates out of standard it gets a modern mana base & I'm swapping 2x Brimaz (of 4) for 2x Hero of Bladehold
I run him with Voice of Resurgence which is a nice combination if theres a token on the board.
March 6, 2014 10:46 a.m.
SharuumNyan says... #11
I also run him with Voice - they complement each other well.
Most of the time though he is removal bait. He's the guy who's going to fall victim to Thoughtseize and Hero's Downfall regularly. But that's okay though, because it offers protection to everything else. I was playing a pretty similar GW deck before Brimaz came along, and he's only made it stronger by making Loxodon Smiter and Fleecemane Lion look less threatening. Fleecemane is much more likely to go monstrous now.
Stone_Munkee says... #2
Brimaz is just a huge let-down from my playtesting with him, granted I didn't expect much in the first place considering he's a bad Hero of Bladehold . At best from what I've seen in my testing he's just more removal bait for better cards. The biggest problem for white creatures right now is that none of them have built in evasion and they're strictly out-classes by the other colors' creatures. Red has storm breath dragon which white only has one way to deal with. Green has polukranos and arbor colossus, which are just bigger bodies in ramp colors so they can be played the same turn. And black obviously has desecration demon alongside something stupid like 7 removal spells. I'm really quite frustrated with wizards printing solid cards like Brimaz but they aren't playable for one silly reason or another
March 6, 2014 5:50 a.m.