Continuous Card Draw and Frog Lizard Token Generation Combo - Comments Please

Deck Help forum

Posted on Feb. 4, 2013, 1:55 a.m. by AjMcGamer

I thought of a new combo for my deck:undying-evolution-03-02-13-1 deck.

I was thinking about adding Archaeomancer s in and the Ideal combo would be:

card:Geralf's Messenger or Strangleroot Geist + Zameck Guildmage + Rapid Hybridization + Archaeomancer + card:Conjurer's Closet = continuous card draw and token generation.

I would be casting Rapid Hybridization on my undying creature to gain a frog lizard token, the undying creature would come back with a token, I would remove the token with the guildmage to draw my card then exile and return the Archaeomancer with the card:Conjurer's Closet to return Rapid Hybridization then do it all again next turn.

If you guys think this sounds like a viable combo please let me know.

Jimhawk says... #2

This is a 5-card interaction that is slow, easily disrupted, can't be repeated instantly and infinitely, only works once per turn, uses cards that are not powerful on their own, and doesn't do anything impactful.

It is neither good nor a combo.

February 4, 2013 2:05 a.m.

DePeluche says... #3

Very slow combo + non profitable

You need loads of cards + slow cards to just generate a token per turn

February 4, 2013 2:08 a.m.

AjMcGamer says... #4

All your other points aside, the one about "uses cards that are not powerful on their own", how are card:Geralf's Messenger and Strangleroot Geist not powerful on their own? I have won games with both, 2 geists in your opening hand with 2 forests is a bad day for anyone. I understand that it could be disrupted with creature removal which is why I wouldn't rely on it, and I don't see how card advantage is not impactful. Thank you for your comment though I will keep it in mind.

February 4, 2013 2:11 a.m.

Jimhawk says... #5

I didn't say every card is not powerful on their own. Almost all of them are not, though. Double Strangleroot Geist is manageable by many decks. card:Geralf's Messenger is less so. Rapid Hybridization is a fine card.

The other three cards you listed have more powerful and viable interactions elsewhere. Zameck Guildmage is better with Vorapede . Archaeomancer is better with Gilded Lotus and Ghostly Flicker plus Goblin Electromancer . card:Conjurer's Closet is better with Thragtusk , card:Trostani, Selesnya's Voice, Armada Wurm , Restoration Angel , and many more.

If you're going to jump through so many hoops to draw one card and make one token, why not just do something that will automatically win the game?

February 4, 2013 2:26 a.m.

AjMcGamer says... #6

ok I see what you mean now. I agree that the Closet is better with Thragtusk which is a combo I already run. Thanks for the advice. I am curious if you could give me any advice on the deck in general. I feel like it could perform fairly well, the only thing that really scares me is RDW but if you can see any other threats it would be weak against let me know.

February 4, 2013 2:33 a.m.

SwiftDeath says... #7

how is the Archaeomancer / Gilded Lotus / Ghostly Flicker / Goblin Electromancer a combo because the flicker isn't in your graveyard when the archaeomancer's ability is on the stack so you cant return it to your hand after the first play. you would need a second flicker in your hand or grave or the combo doesn't work.

February 4, 2013 5:29 a.m.

SwiftDeath I could've sworn that when a spell resolves, it automatically goes to the graveyard. Which is why people like Rite of Replication and Archaeomancer , because it allows for infinite tokens, as long as you keep pumping mana into it. The combo you're commenting on does in fact work, and it's been in tournaments, okay-ed by judges.

February 4, 2013 8:31 a.m.

acbooster says... #9

Yeah, after a spell resolves it goes to the graveyard. So you can blink Archaeomancer and bring the card you used to blink it into your hand when Archaeomancer comes back. A good combo that I use when I have mana left over in my Esper deck is using Cloudshift on Archaeomancer and extorting it as much as possible. I get some life, my opponent loses some life, and I can do it again next turn. It's even better with a Suture Priest on my side of the field, assuming I'm playing Modern.

February 4, 2013 8:40 a.m.

SwiftDeath says... #10

ok that was a concern for me because people tell me i can't return Living Death to my hand with Eternal Witness when it enters play because i was told a spell has to completely finish resolving before it is put into the graveyard and when the creature enters play it wouldn't be in the grave for the trigger to target it at that time.

February 6, 2013 11:45 p.m.

SwiftDeath says... #11

ok so i was right

608.2k As the final part of an instant or sorcery spells resolution, the spell is put into its owners graveyard. As the final part of an abilitys resolution, the ability is removed from the stack and ceases to exist.

February 6, 2013 11:51 p.m.

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