Could this be competitive in legacy?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 26, 2014, 3:40 p.m. by kmcree
I have this deck that I've had for years and slowly improved it and added to it as my collection has grown. I only use it casually, but I really love the deck and would like to be able to take it to a tournament once in a while. Unfortunately, the only format it is really legal in is legacy. I know nothing about legacy other than that it uses lots of old and very powerful cards/combos. So, would this deck even be remotely competitive, and is it worth it to try?
This is how you do Goblins!!! Playtest
SCORE: 2 | 2 COMMENTS | 232 VIEWSJimothyCrikkett says... #3
Oh, yeah, it'll be competitive. It's fast and can put out tons of damage fairly quickly; exactly as a Goblin deck should, in my opinion.
While this is just a suggestion, I'd ask you to try out Shared Animosity . If you have that on the field and a bunch of tokens spawned from Krenko, the result will be lethal quite a few times over.
I restate my case: It's comptetitive imo, and it's worth a shot!
January 26, 2014 3:55 p.m.
Depends on what your level of competition is.
Goblins was already hurting as a major player in legacy as the format has shifted to more combo, it has very little to no disruption or permission. And it's only gotten worse as everyone has started packing hate for the new bogeyman True-Name Nemesis which many of those cards happen to be good against goblins. Even the dedicated goblin legacy players are not advising to run it.
Casual LGS level events you're probably fine for, but if you plan was to run it in GPs, Opens and such I would say it won't be competitive enough.
January 26, 2014 4:04 p.m.
I'm mostly just looking at LGS type stuff, definitely no GPs or anything with this one. I don't really care if I win the tournament or anything since I just like playing this deck, but I'd like to be able to go say 2-2 or maybe 3-1 on a good day. I just don't wanna show up with this and get completely blown out by a bunch of crazy shit. Like I said, never played legacy before so don't really know what to expect. But I appreciate the suggestions, and I'll test some of those cards out and maybe look for a relatively low key event to check out.
julianjmoss says... #2
i personally like it, but it tends to be weak to decks with counters and there are a lot of decks that will wipe your board on turn 4, counter a lot of your spells or try and combo turn one to win the game.There is a goblin deck played in legacy that is similar to yours but one way it tries to get around control decks is play AEther Vial to sneak goblins in. Goblins used to be a fairly popular deck in the format and while it's still played, it is slowly becoming weaker due to the meta being either too fast for it or just being stronger than the deck in general. One suggestion though, would be to add the AEther Vial into your deck and also maybe try Goblin Matron for consistency.
January 26, 2014 3:54 p.m.