Could this be competitive in the current Standard Meta?

Deck Help forum

Posted on March 7, 2014, 11:15 a.m. by MattTheNinja

So I was recently looking at some of the new cards that came out and ended up making a R/B/W midrange-y/control deck. The main idea would be to keep the board clean until you drop one of the win conditions and just continue keeping the board clear while you beat them down. I don't usually play a control type deck so I'm not sure how competitive or effective this deck would be so any feedback is greatly appreciated.

Here's the deck list if you're interested: How to lose friends at FNM

gufymike says... #2

Drop the Mogis, God of Slaughter , personally I don't like it or find it very effective, with his abilities. You're better off running Lifebane Zombie or Stormbreath Dragon in that slot. You'll want the shocks instead of the scry lands and keep 6-8 of the scry lands. I like 6 in the tri color decks right now. I think 8 might be a bit too slow, you don't want to see them turns 2-4.

Dreadbore is not better than Devour Flesh , Ultimate Price or Doom Blade . But you do want 4 Hero's Downfall .

For the sideboard drop 1 Slaughter Games for another Thoughtseize , you optimally want ts as 4 of those in there. you could run 24 lands and put the Anger of the Gods mainboard and add the extra ts to the sideboard to make four.

Other than that, it's a good start to a decent deck.

March 7, 2014 11:30 a.m.

MattTheNinja says... #3

Thanks for the suggestions! The deck does seem more refined now, I went in and made the changes you suggested.

March 7, 2014 11:39 a.m.

wish12oz says... #4

Theres not enough lands, and theres no real source of card advantage. Trading 1 for 1 with your opponent is fine, but if they draw any extra cards ever, like with a sphinx's revelation or jace or a domri rade or underworld connections or ephara or bident of thassa or garruk or whatever else.... youre going to lose. And all those cards are in the most played decks in standard right now. (Mono black devotion, sphinx's decks, mono blue devotion, mono blue splash white, gr monsters, gr devotion) With no source of card advantage a control deck will simply not work well enough to be competitive with that.

You need to find a way to compete with that if you want to be the control deck. Your options are like, Chandra, Pyromaster Underworld Connections Read the Bones . I can't think of anything else in those colors... Good Luck.

March 7, 2014 11:46 a.m.

MattTheNinja says... #5

That's a good point, wish12oz. What about -1 Rakdos's Return , Bile Blight , and Magma Jet for +3 Underworld Connections ?

March 7, 2014 11:54 a.m.

wish12oz says... #6

I dont know. I'm bad at mtg outside of stuff I've played a lot. I just know the basic concept behind playing a control deck.

"Dont let your opponent do anything, draw more cards than them to make it easier."

March 7, 2014 12:03 p.m.

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