Crashing waves of inconsistency

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 30, 2013, 5:49 p.m. by abenz419

I have this deck that I made, it's more of a casual deck, but its still fun to play. The biggest problem I have with it is consistency. Some games I see all of the necessary cards at the right times and other games absolutely nothing goes right. Any small tidbits anyone could suggest to make this a little more consistent. It doesn't have to be a super competitive deck because as I said it's just more of a casual thing.

deck chart Motion in the Blue devotion

Standard abenz419 Playtest

Goody says... #2

You'd probably wanna make it mono blue for more consistency, but then you might need some more expensive cards.

October 30, 2013 8:40 p.m.

Weston Ayarza says... #3

Nightveil Specter s would improve it a lot. Tidebinder Mage s too.

October 30, 2013 8:55 p.m.

abenz419 says... #4

@Goody it is a mono blue deck, the red only shows up in the pie because of the hybrid mana of Frostburn Weird .

@Weston Ayarza yeah I know Nightveil Specter is great for devotion except I don't have any, but aside from that, the ability isn't that great. Yes you exile a card but more often than not I can't play them and I have just as good of chance of helping them draw into their good cards as I do actually exiling the good cards. It's a $10 card now simply because it was used as a devotion builder in mono-blue devotion decks, there is a reason it was only a $1 or $2 card before that and since this is more of a casual deck I don't feel it's necessary to go out and pay for the hyped up price. I have one Tidebinder Mage but left it out because I feel like the other 2 drops I have, have better bodies to be early blockers than the mage, even though they both have a lower power. If I was trying to duplicate the pro mono blue decks and go the aggro/tempo route then I'd throw the one that I have in there. Since I have to go with a more control aspect I decided to leave it out, even though it's ability fits in with what the rest of the deck its more situational than the other stuff I have. It'd also probably be in there if I had a full playset because of the devotion aspect.

October 30, 2013 9:46 p.m.

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