Creating a Control Deck

Deck Help forum

Posted on Oct. 16, 2012, 8:09 p.m. by shoopmywhoop

Hey all, I've been playing Magic for almost 3 years (since worldwake) and I think I may be wanting to play control in RTR standard. I already have a grixis shell made up that I want to improve upon. I just need a way to deal with the overwhelming zombie and aggro meta. Some other Grixis cards as suggestions will be appreciated.

shoopmywhoop says... #2

BTW, my budget is limited to about 150-200 dollars, I already have 2 snapcasters so thats hopefully the most expensive card I'll need.

October 16, 2012 8:12 p.m.

Zombies hate exile effects. Try running Pillar of Flame

October 16, 2012 8:17 p.m.

shoopmywhoop says... #4

Pillar is great, I'm already running 4, I just need something to get wipe everything and give me and advantage

October 16, 2012 8:39 p.m.

Devastation Tide is the only one that comes to mind besides Cyclonic Rift

October 16, 2012 8:45 p.m.

shoopmywhoop says... #6

Yes, an off-the-top Devastation tide seems quite good, I like Cyclonic Rift because it doesn't affect you when an Olivia Voldaren is a 9/9

October 16, 2012 8:53 p.m.

Control is one of the most expensive archetypes to build, simply because it requires consistency above all else, which takes expensive cards to pull off.

Any tier-quality control shell in the current meta is going to run 4 copies of Jace, Architect of Thought . Sadly, this doesn't fit within your declared budget.

If you want to make a casual control build, you could look into the soft combo of Sphinx of the Chimes and Veilborn Ghoul . Together they can get you serious card advantage, which is what control builds strive for.

October 16, 2012 9:23 p.m.

Demarge says... #8

Unfortunately a current standard mana base for grixis would likely put you to almost your max budget alone (or at least half) since each shock land is going around $12-$15 each and you'll need likely 6-8 (grixis currently has access to 2/3 of possible shocklands) which alone is around $70-$120. you'll probably need 3-4 Sulfur Falls which would be $33-$44. Drowned Catacomb would be another $9-$12. Total a possible land base would be around $112-$176 and going cheap with any tournament deck's land base means you'll likely not be able to win.

October 16, 2012 11:18 p.m.

VykkDraygo says... #9

I'm working on a Grixis deck. It's in flux right now, I'm not sure where I really want the sideboard, and some of the main deck slots are changeable. Control is very meta specific, so you really need to craft it based on your local opposition. Anyhow, my deck is here: deck:grixis-control-2-01-10-12-1.

They may look funny in this aggressive meta, but Nephalia Drownyard is pretty darn good against midrange, and obviously crazy against control. No one uses Ghost Quarter right now, so they can just steal a game after you've stabilized, but can't land an Olivia, or hit with a big card:Rakdos's Return.

The aforementioned Veilborn Ghoul engine is pretty sweet too.

October 16, 2012 11:19 p.m.

Sagi007 says... #10

@landgrafb i run dimir and yes Watery Grave issnt there yet but atm Home alone is my control deck but is rather cheap bout $40-50 yes shocklands in gategrash will pull it up but still doubt total deckvalue goes much above $120.

next point, i agree on the exile its become alot more powerfull. it had plenty power before the rotation thought i didnt see much play(still love playing it on that Sun Titan +2-3Phantasmal Image s). my favorite card is Sever the Bloodline since it has a chance of getting rid of multiples.

@vykkdraygo cant say how right you are about Nephalia Drownyard ive lost games to tht card...even when i was still using Ghost Quarter (and yes dont use it anymore). thx for reminding me i still need to get some of those.

maybe Rolling Temblor ? kills almost all in aggro decks.

October 17, 2012 4:06 a.m.

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