Creature based decks and using the proper tutors.

Deck Help forum

Posted on Aug. 25, 2013, 12:11 p.m. by Femme_Fatale

I have numerous creature based decks and I was wondering which ones should use which tutor. The tutors I'm thinking about are Birthing Pod , Chord of Calling and Weird Harvest . Most of these decks already contain Weird Harvest , but in those cases if the others are better let me know. And if you have any other card suggestions as tutors, I would appreciate the suggestions.


Simic Ally Mill deck: Excavator's Tale

Simic Draw Card Biovisionary deck: Biovisionary's Scholorship

Vintage Squirrel deck: Essence of the Squirrel

Selesnya Infinite Combo deck: Presence of the Midnight Station

Mono-green Aggro Elves deck: Songs of the Elves

Golgari Elves deck: Elven Vain

Elf Ramp to Eldrazi deck: Piper of the Eldrazi

Mono-green Budget Stuffy Doll deck (and all the other stuffy doll decks that I made as well): Stuff Your Mouth For Only $15!

Krayhaft says... #2

Birthing Pod is more of a build-around me card. The creatures you want for a pod deck are all value creatures that do something when they etb or die, and you want your creatures to be distributed along your curve.

Chord of Calling is less restrictive, but you generally want more creatures for it, as well as a more heavy commitment to green.

Weird Harvest is probably the weakest of the three, since it also helps out your opponents too.

Those are just general guidelines for each card. Beyond that, you'll have to provide us with the format you intend to play them in, your budget, and what exactly you need help with beyond the tutors you need.

Also, there are other, older tutors available. Tooth and Nail , Living Wish , and Worldly Tutor are all really good creature tutors.

August 25, 2013 1:30 p.m.

Goody says... #3

There's always Green Sun's Zenith

August 25, 2013 2:16 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #4

@ Goody

Green Sun's Zenith is illegal in modern, and doesn't apply to the deck Essence of the Squirrel very well, the only non-modern deck there, as it is vintage.

@ Krayhaft

I won't be using Tooth and Nail in any of these decks, its too mana costly even for two creatures. The best deck it could fit in is Piper of the Eldrazi, but it focuses on getting the Elvish Piper out as soon as possible.

Living Wish and Worldly Tutor are nice suggestions. For other tutors, I forgot about Primal Command , and Fauna Shaman . The decks are not limited to the tutors of their other colours as well. For example, I really enjoy using Gifts Ungiven in any combo deck that uses blue.

For the budget, suggest the best optimum card and then the next card that is under $7. Normally I won't be worrying too much about budget but I wouldn't want to be paying for something like Burning Wish .

All these decks are modern, with the exception of Essence of the Squirrel, which is vintage, though I already replaced the Weird Harvest s and Primal Command s that were in there for Worldly Tutor . The purpose of that deck for the tutors was to search for either Essence of the Wild or Shinen of Life's Roar .

Excavator's Tale relies on the mill on Halimar Excavator and the use of Doubling Chant for the instant win game (provided it isn't countered). The purpose of a tutor in that deck is mainly to get the right ally out at the right time, as the ally needed may also be but is not limited to Jwari Shapeshifter and Harabaz Druid . It also runs Gifts Ungiven , Weird Harvest and Muddle the Mixture .

Biovisionary's Scholorship relies on the con-win of Biovisionary . It also has cards like Mirrorweave in there for the instant con-win. Currently it is running Fauna Shaman , Gifts Ungiven and Merchant Scroll .

Presence of the Midnight Station relies on the infinite combo between Midnight Guard and Presence of Gond for infinite. It also has Blasting Station for the infinite damage and Essence Warden /Soul Warden for the infinite life should the main combo be allowed to go off. Currently it runs Idyllic Tutor and Congregation at Dawn .

Songs of the Elves is a elf ramp deck that uses Doubling Chant for the win. Good combos include Elvish Champion and Yavimaya Elder as well as Ivy Lane Denizen and Joraga Warcaller . Currently it runs Fauna Shaman .

Elven Vain relies on numerous different combos to work together, they are all listed on the deck page, but its best use is the Nissa's Chosen for all the different sacrificing cards I have. Currently it runs Nissa Revane and Birthing Pod .

Piper of the Eldrazi relies on getting out the Elvish Piper as soon as possible to chuck out an Eldrazi. It has a lot of creatures of the same ability but different names to tie in with Signal the Clans . Currently it runs Signal the Clans , Fauna Shaman , Elvish Harbinger and Weird Harvest .

Stuff Your Mouth For Only $15! doesn't have to be budget. It and all the other Stuffy doll decks (of varying colours, mainly choosing between red, green and white) that are linked on the deck page rely on getting Stuffy Doll out, and the enchantments that force the damage onto Stuffy Doll . All of the versions that have green in them run Weird Harvest , all of the versions that run white in them run Idyllic Tutor , and all of the versions that run white and green in them run Congregation at Dawn in substitution for Weird Harvest .

That is all the decks, their relative strategies, their goals, what they currently use for tutors, and my current budget. My question for you is to figure out whether or not I'm am using the right tutors for these decks, and suggest others if I'm not. Obviously, not everything running Weird Harvest should be running Weird Harvest so that will be the card to go first.

August 25, 2013 10:10 p.m.

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