Creatureless Grixis: A little help?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Oct. 16, 2013, 10:50 p.m. by Jace the Firebrand
I'm working on a creatureless Grixis standard deck, and I want it to be competitive. I plan on building it, testing it, and taking it to FNM, and if I do good enough with it, I want to go to tourneys with it. The deck I've got so far, heavily based on KrazyCaley's Bolas for a Better Tomorrow, has been updated to fit the new standard, but it still has some clunkiness to it. Could I get some help?
The deck is Standard Grixis Rotato edition
The key points are:
1-control the board to keep my life total away from bolt-range
2-stall the game long enough to cast the win condition
3-Sideboard to fit the upcoming meta
Any suggestions would be appreciated