Creatureless Scorch Deck
Deck Help forum
Posted on Feb. 5, 2013, 10:32 p.m. by AjMcGamer
I had an Idea come to me tonight that I just haven't been able to stop thinking about and I wanted to get some input from others.
The idea is to make a creatureless black and red deck loaded with direct damage, removal and deck manipulation. The theory being that with a deck of this design you could be a little more liberal with the land (maybe 26-30 rather than 24) and eliminate the possibility of not having land. The only other cards you would be drawing would be ones that either do damage, remove threats, setup your deck or mess with your opponents.
I would start with a base of cards such as Searing Spear , Brimstone Volley , Murder etc. but I was wondering what other cards people could suggest, maybe come up with some interesting combos. The one nice thing about removing creatures is that it opens up a lot of room for nasty spells.
I hope this inspires some creative ideas and I cant wait to hear them. Thank you all very much, I know this will be a ton of fun once I put it together and I'll be sure to keep you all posted.
Might as well go balls deep and use Curse of Bloodletting . Also, Chandra, the Firebrand is a thing.
The deck you make out of this won't necessarily be good, but it will be fun for you and annoying for opponents.
February 5, 2013 11:19 p.m.
Sweet-Nightmare says... #4
Tribute to Hunger , Bump in the Night , Reforge the Soul as a one or two of to refresh your hand? Then card:Rakdos's Return to make them throw it all away and more burn? Dangerous Wager when you run out of stuff?
February 6, 2013 12:05 a.m.
Gatecrashed says... #5
Running no creatures, Mutilate would be really funny, if you decide to run less red. card:Rakdos's Return would be good too. I agree with not running so many lands, I think instead of getting essential spells, you will be hitting some real nice floods. I would also run as many cards like card:Devil's Play as you can. With Chandra, the Firebrand out you can copy it and usually lethal. I would also include cards like Reverberate and Increasing Vengeance . You might as well call the game if they turn 4 Witchbane Orb though, so I would run some artifact hate in the sideboard, ex. Rakdos Charm , but that being said I think you limit your self by not running any creatures. Guttersnipe seems like an absolute must in any burn deck. Oh and Bonfire of the Damned seems like it will be your best friend.
February 6, 2013 1:09 a.m.
I agree that 30 land would be quite excessive but as I said I would just want to make sure that I always had land, especially in this type of deck, still I would probably run a maximum of 26. I like the Trading Post idea to give me chump blockers and the Chandra, the Firebrand and Reverberate s would definitely be in there. Increasing Vengeance Is a new one to me as I got back into the game just before Avacyn Restored so I am not as familiar with Innistrad and DA as I would like to be, but it seems like it would feel right at home here. Yes the absence of the Guttersnipe saddens me as well but I am willing to try it for the concept. I really like the idea of running Mutilate in there as it would be nice not being hit by it. I would like to get a hold of some Rolling Temblor s so that I don't have to rely on Mutilate as my sweeper. Are there any other B/R sweepers that would fit well in here? Jimhawk you said that you did not feel this deck would do well, though it would be fun to play. Sticking with the creatureless concept what do you think would make it a viable Standard deck? I have seen other creatureless decks perform very well and I know that it must be done right, but I feel that the combo of B/R will get the job done.
February 6, 2013 1:49 a.m.
Sweet-Nightmare says... #7
Killing Wave , especially if your running lots and lots of land.
February 6, 2013 2:06 a.m.
Indeed I like it. It is starting to look like this is going to be a deck packed with rares, which I don't mind and I feel like it will make for some epic plays. I am getting quite excited about this. XD
February 6, 2013 2:08 a.m.
Sweet-Nightmare says... #9
Oh, and Mizzium Mortars overloaded is a bit of a sweeper with few exceptions, just as another option. Bonfire of the Damned is burn and a sweeper in on, but rather pricey moneywise.
February 6, 2013 2:12 a.m.
Well I went through the cards I had and this is the prototype I came up with An Epic Experiment Indeed. While going through my trade binder I came across Epic Experiment and thought what the hell, i'll throw it in and if somehow I get drawn into the late game hopefully I'll draw into it and have a Chromatic Lantern on the field. I also figured if I'm trying to be this ambitious there really isn't any harm in going above the 60 card norm.
pookypuppy6 says... #2
Why would you want 26-30 lands? With so many lands you'd run out of steam and topdeck quite a lot of land instead of the burn you need to win the game. In a creatureless deck, getting those burn cards is essential!
As such, you may want some draw power. Underworld Connections as a one-of or two-of?
Thunderous Wrath , Dreadbore , Skullcrack and Mizzium Mortars will be top cards here methinks. You could also run Havoc Festival if you were being cheeky.
How about Trading Post ? It allows you to chump block something with a goat token every turn in case you need chump blockers (for some reason).
February 5, 2013 11:08 p.m.