Death & Taxes: Swords?
Deck Help forum
Posted on Jan. 21, 2014, 8:41 p.m. by Jay
Currently, I'm building a Modern D&T deck, you can find here:
Death Rides a Pale Cow Playtest
SCORE: 5 | 4 COMMENTS | 729 VIEWSRight now, I'm considering adding either Sword of Light and Shadow or Sword of Feast and Famine , and would like your opinions on their inclusion. Here are some pros/cons:
-Swords are really powerful
-Black, Green, and White are predominant in my Meta
-I own both already
-L&S lets me recycle creatures, F&F helps with disruption strategy and keeps up with sac'd Tec's and GQ's
-Thalia, Guardian of Thraben hurts these
-The 3-drop slot is crowded already
-Susceptible to hate that comes in for Vial post-board
-Equipment don't have much synergy with blinking
So, what do you guys think? Should I run one? Both? What could come out for them? Let me know!
Thanks fellas
NobodyPicksBulbasaur says... #2
To my knowledge, the only reason that Legacy D&T runs swords is because it has access to Stoneforge Mystic . By adding those few cards, the deck gets a real boost of power against certain "fair" decks.
In Modern, without access to Stoneforge Mystic , you lose a lot of consistency and versatility. The swords aren't nearly as good if you can't pick and choose which one you want. That's not to say they aren't good on their own; they're simply better when SfM is an option.
January 21, 2014 10:05 p.m.